At the daycare

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Trinity POV:

I go into the daycare. There's a handful of kids here, all excited for this. Can't blame them. I go play with toys while helping Lisa adjust to being here too. "Big sis! I'm having lots of fun!" Lisa says. Then, Ms. Allen rings a bell. "Snack time, babies!" she says, cheerily. I follow everyone else to the snack table. Apple slices with peanut butter, and it's pretty decent of a snack. For kids. Then, back to playing.

About an hour later though, I feel the need to use the bathroom. But... gotta be a kid. A half-hour goes by, and Ms. Allen is doing diaper checks on all the kids. She comes over to me. "Oh, we got a stinker here." she says, and she picks me up and tickles me, then she brings me to the bathroom and changes my diaper. I'm a little embarrassed, but she pops a pacifier in my mouth. I calm down. Not from the pacifier, I'm not a baby. Promise.

Then, she gets to Lisa. Lisa, on the other hand, is fussy when she doesn't get playtime or cuddles or whatever. Toddler stuff. But Ms. Allen just holds her and gives her a pacifier, Lisa calms right down. She gets Lisa changed as well. "There, cutie." Ms. Allen says to Lisa.

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