hour 1The brunette decided that solving sudoku puzzles would make her time go by faster. Despite her young age she was very intelligent. A child prodigy in fact. By three and a half years old she could speak and read at a first grade level.
The stark gene definitely took over in the smartness compartment.
hour 2
Child prodigy or not she was still a child, and like all children she quickly grew tired of solving puzzles and riddles.
Perhaps watching a different Disney movie would be better.
hour 3
that's the only thing she could describe herself as at that moment
Despite not being able to have play dates and sleepovers or walk to the near by park with her mom on a typical Tuesday afternoon, Skylar was a very outgoing child.
In return, school and a birthday party or two wasn't her ideal number of social interactions with kids her age.
But that was alright. She could work with it as long as she had her mom and dad.
Whom was about to arrive at any moment.
He promised.
hour 5
He isn't coming...
The girl stood in the middle of the room.
He promised.
The all so familiar feeling pooled in the pit of her stomach.
It creeped upwards through her lungs all the way to her hands.
He broke it.
But this time it didn't stop.
This time the small sparks that escaped from her hands turned into glowing strings of crimson red swirling around her, encasing her in a cage of her own creation. But she was too angry or rather disappointed to notice.
At that moment a dark cloud formed over the city, wind picking up so drastically that the half closed windows opened wide and the curtains flowed through the wind.
Am I doing that?
She was beyond scared. Maybe terrified, angry or confused would fit better.
What's wrong with me?
That very moment she was broken out of her thoughts by the man himself yelling out her name.
"yes! yes its me princess! now I need you to listen to me! I need you to stop what your doing!"
At that very moment they realized that a intense red glow coming from the stark mansion, followed by raging winds was bound to have gained some attraction, which it already had considering there were about fifteen aircrafts hovering over the building.
How do I stop it?
Do I want to stop it.
Everything is so loud.
What do I do?
Help me.
And just like that, a sickening scream sounded as the twirling glow erupted away from her taking everything including the building down with it.
She could feel herself being picked up.
After that, everything went black.
Only thing is, it wasn't her dad she had felt being in the hands of.
She wouldn't be picked up by her dad for a long time after that.