Chapter 1: The Iron King

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Raghav Singh sat behind his huge mahogany desk, exuding authority. The panelled walls of his office in sombre steel and glass reflected the stark precision of Zenith Steel Industries. From this Eagle's nest, Raghav looked down upon the city sprawling beneath him-a sprawl of ambition and competition. And his nickname was little more than the truth: the Iron King, forged from steel and tempered by an unyielding will.

But today, neither the city nor the stock market attracted his attention; instead, it was an employee standing before him, seemingly anxious. The fellow fidgeted, his eyes darting nervously between Raghav's impassive face and the polished floor. His dark eyes, sharp and unbending, now pierced into the man's with a strength that could penetrate through steel.

"I know that there was a major screw-up in the shipment schedules," Raghav spoke, his voice a growl of restrained anger. "You are aware of the financial repercussions that this has caused?"

The employee's voice quavered as he launched into a disjointed explanation. "Sir, I. I was under pressure and I miscalculated-"

"Pressure?" Raghav interrupted, his tone suddenly cold. "We all work under pressure. It is the standard of excellence that distinguishes us from our competitors. I expect nothing less."

The silence after that was thick and heavy. Raghav leaned back in his chair; the leather groaned under him. Cold, calculated now was the gaze. He had built Zenith Steel with an iron fist from scratch, known for ruthless efficiency. His decisions were decisive, and today was no different.

Pack up and leave. We no longer need your services," Raghav finally said with a voice devoid of feeling.

His words caused the face of the employee to go a shade paler as he muttered a few more apologies before beating a hasty retreat and leaving Raghav to his thoughts. The door clicked shut, the quiet that followed almost palpable.

The day was far from over for Raghav. He glanced at his watch, then at the neatly stacked files on his desk. His assistant, Priya, had arranged a meeting with a prospective client-one that was considered critical to securing Zenith Steel's next big contract. Sharp and focused, he had to be; the reputation of the company and his depended on it.

Making his way down the sleek corridors of Zenith Steel, he passed employees who instinctively stepped aside, their heads in bows of respect-or perhaps fear. Raghav was a force of nature, and it was well understood that he was not to be trifled with. At home he was a family man, devoted to his mother, father, sister, and brother, but out in the world, he was hard, unforgiving-a character who put up with no weakness.

The family was the center of his world, the reason behind the never-tiring drive. His mother was a gentle yet formidable woman who kept the home fires burning gracefully. The father, a retired businessman, gave wisdom and guidance when and where needed. The sister arranged family social affairs with élan, while the brother, an upcoming political figure, disagreed often with Raghav's business-oriented frame of mind. Yet, there was a side to Raghav-a man of contrasts. For his family, he was the loving brother and son, but to the world, he had not an ounce of feeling in him, only a calculating force that could make or break lives with every decision.

The meeting with the client was conducted in his characteristically efficient manner. Raghav's responses were sharp, his questions probing. The poor nervous businessman client scrambled to keep pace with the intense scrutiny by Raghav. Raghav's name preceded him, and it was pretty clear that he knew the stakes that were involved.

For a long time, Raghav allowed himself a moment of respite as he came out of the meeting. He got out of his office, into his car, and went to the bar where he was to meet his best buddy, Vikram. The bar was far removed from the gleaming, corporate environs of Zenith Steel. Dimly lit, the rich aroma of whiskey wafted in the air as the hum of low-toned conversation filled the room.

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