Nowhere Left To Go

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(This one shot takes place between chapters 5 and 6 of 'An Unexpected Knight'. It is rated 17+ and honest to god 85% straight up smut. Please remember that these are CHARACTERS with their OWN bodies, personalities, and presences. You have had your warning. This story is also completely based on the song 'Nowhere Left To Go' by James Bay.)

The moon shone through the window of Marjorie's bedroom, illuminating the beautiful woman lying next to her. She still found herself in awe that Autumn was hers. They had spent the afternoon curled up in Marjorie's bed, simply existing together. Autumn laid there in her tank top and shorts, one arm propped under her head and the other wrapped tightly around Marjorie. She let her eyes wander down the woman's body, memorizing every detail. Autumn smiled, her eyes open just barely enough to catch what her girlfriend was doing. She lifted her hand off Marjorie's shoulder to twist a piece of hair around her finger.

"What are you thinking?" She whispered as she turned her head to kiss Marjorie's head.

"I just can't believe that this is life now. That you and I-" She trailed off. "I just feel lucky." Autumn smiled into the crown of Marjorie's head.

"Come here." She whispered into her ear. Marjorie slid her body up to be even with Autumn's. "You're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." She held Marjorie's cheek in her hand, rubbing her thumb along her skin. Marjorie couldn't help but smile.

"I would have to disagree. From where I'm sitting.. I couldn't imagine someone more perfect." Autumn let her eyes fall to Marjorie's lips, letting her thumb run across her bottom lip. Marjorie felt butterflies erupt in every inch of her body. She felt a small gasp escape her mouth, before Autumn brought her lips to meet her own. Marjorie had kissed Autumn plenty since they'd begun this, sometimes that was all they'd do for hours. But this was different. Autumn had one hand in her hair and one against her hip, gripping her shirt tightly between her fingers. Marjorie ran her fingers down the length of Autumn's hair, stopping at the back of her head. Without a single hesitation, she tangled her fingers in her hair, lightly tugging Autumn's head back. Autumn gasped as the tug broke their kiss. Marjorie grinned, satisfied at the hungry look Autumn had in her eyes. She took the opportunity to lean down to Autumn's exposed neck, kissing directly against her pulse point. Autumn tightened her grip on Marjorie's hair, pushing her further against her. Marjorie kissed down Autumn's neck, following the line of her collar bone with soft delicate kisses. Autumn let out a shuddered breath, each kiss feeling electric against her skin. She tugged against Marjorie's hair, bringing her up to meet her eyes.


"Tell me to stop, if you want me to." Marjorie cut her off, realizing she may have pushed her limits.

"Please do not stop." She breathed out. Marjorie smirked. Seeing Autumn entirely at her own mercy felt unlike anything she had ever felt before.

"What do you want, Autumn?" Marjorie lifted her body to hover over Autumn's. She let the back of her hand run from Autumn's cheek down to the strap of her tank top. Autumn let out a low hum, pushing her head further back into the pillow.

"You." She whispered breathily, as Marjorie slid two fingers under the strap. Marjorie grinned, sliding the strap down her shoulder. Autumn rested her hands on Marjorie's hips, gripping the fabric of her tshirt. Marjorie nodded, signaling to Autumn that it was okay to continue. She lifted up on the fabric, pulling her shirt over Marjorie's head. Autumn scanned from Marjorie's hips up her body to her face. She looked embarrassed. Marjorie couldn't help it, she was always self conscious of her body. As Autumn scanned her body, she quickly wrapped her arms around her semi naked body. All the confidence she had, left her in an instant.

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