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(This one shot takes place during the contents of chapter 9 of An Unexpected Knight. One of my personal favorite scenes, but just wasn't going to be pivotal to the plot line enough to include it. I highly suggest playing the song She by Jake Scott before reading! This fic is fluff, no content or age restrictions❤️✨️)

“Marjorie, if I catch you staring one more time, I will take your coffee and dump it over your head.” Autumn spoke nonchalantly, her eyes still glued to her computer screen. Marjorie’s eyes bulged, immediately turning to face her desk. Autumn smirked.
“I can't help it, okay. We've only been back to work for a few weeks, and you really shouldn't be-”
Baby.” Autumn flung her head to face Marjorie. Marjorie felt her heart skip. Autumn looked her up and down, a devilish look in her eyes. “If you keep looking at me like that, however... I may have different ideas for you.” Marjorie’s face turned red.
“Marjorie!?” A voice came from the doorway of the office. Marjorie snapped her attention to the entryway.
“Oh hello, Miriam- you alright?” The woman kept her eyes glued to Marjorie, walking straight up to the edge of her desk.
“Well, not really, Marjorie. I have heard some things through the rumor mill, and I just know they aren't true, so I needed to come inform you before they get out of hand.” Miriam spoke almost in a whisper, leaning over the desk. Marjorie lifted her head and raised an eyebrow.
“Is that so? Well, alright, my love, what have you heard?” Autumn knew she had not been seen by Miriam when she stormed in, so she took the opportunity to sit back in her chair and listen to whatever absurdity was about to come out of her mouth.
“Well, some of the parents - you know the ones in the WhatsApp Group?” Marjorie leaned her head to the side a bit, curling her lip up.
“I'm familiar with it.”
“Right. Well- one of the moms had put in the group that she swore she saw Autumn out and about with another woman-” Marjorie nodded, crossing her arms across her chest.
“Is that so?” She asked, knowing not to look at Autumn, not to give her away.
“Yes! But then-!
“Oh good, there's more!” Marjorie sighed.
“Then another parent said that they saw you out with Autumn, and that is just absurd!” Miriam practically stomped her foot to anunciate. Marjorie nodded once, clicking her tongue against her teeth.
“Are you done?” She asked plainly, Miriam scoffed, backing up slightly.
“I- well, I suppose so.” She crossed her arms. “I'm simply trying to protect you from those nasty rumors that you two are..” She scrunched up her face “Lesbians.” Marjorie rolled her eyes, finally looking over to Autumn, who had since risen to her feet.
“Well, Miriam. As lovely as it is that you have come to protect us, I don't forsee a use for it.” Miriam's eyes grew wide, her body quickly snapping to face Autumn's voice.
“Autumn! I- I didn't know you were-”
“That I was here, yes I gathered that. However, that should make no difference as you're discussing me anyway. I believe that should constitute some respect, don't you?” Autumn stepped out to the front of her desk and, more importantly, closer to Miriam.
“Yes we get it. You're the messenger pigeon. Now-” Marjorie slapped her hand up to her mouth, trying to suppress the laugh coming out. “It has never been any of your business what the staff here get up to in their personal lives, but if you are so desperate to ‘dispel rumors’ allow me to do that for you.” Marjorie grinned as Miriam took a step back. Her guard dog was and always would be the protector.
“A-Autumn I really-”
“No, you should hear it from me. You're right, I'm sure people have seen me out and about with a woman, as I don't intend on keeping it a secret. And yes, that woman is Marjorie. We've been together for a bit now, but it was never anyone's business what we have gotten into or do outside of this nursery.”
“So you are a lesbian?” Miriam’ eyes grew large with disgust.
“No. I'm not. What I am is in love with Marjorie. She has shown me a world I didn't know existed. She sees colors that I don't see. She knows me, deeper than sometimes I know myself. Where she goes, I will follow because she is my home. She has provided light in an otherwise dark portion of who I am. Her smile lights up any room she is in. She is a roadmap that I am dying to follow. She never left my side after my accident, and I am absolutely indebted to her.” Autumn let her eyes fall past Miriam to Marjorie. Autumn smiled, a real genuine smile before turning her attention back to Miriam. “I will not have you speaking to anyone like that, but especially not my girlfriend. So if you are done with all your selfish hero complex bullshit, I suggest you leave the office.”
“Quickly.” Marjorie added from behind the hand over her mouth. Miriam looked between the two of them quickly.
“This is so disappointing. I will be pulling Lia from the nursery immediately.” She stated before leaving the office, mumbling. Autumn rolled her eyes.
“Oh how disappointing.” She mimicked.
You forgot your rainbow flag!” The couple heard Agatha mockingly shout after Miriam from the lobby. Marjorie snorted, the laugh finally escaping.
“I adore you.” She whispered, turning her body to fit against Autumn's. Autumn smiled softly, running her finger under Marjorie's chin.
“And I adore you..”  Autumn pressed a soft kiss to Marjorie's lips. “Now about those plans I had for you..” Autumn leaned over to whispered into Marjorie's ear, with a tug on her earlobe. Marjorie grinned from ear to ear.
“I bet I know how we could fix that.”

(Short and sweet🥹❤️)

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