Daughter of Zeus

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Rain drops fell onto the window. Drip Drop. It was distracting me from the lesson on Greek Mythology. It didn't matter anyways. I don't think I need to learn about Greek Myths. They are myths after all. There's no such things as Persephone or Demeter or anything like that. Though, there are some people who believe they existed, and still do exist. I'm not one of them. Though, I have to admit, it does catches my attention now and then.

Well, since we're going to be hanging out a lot, why don't we get to know each other. My name is Kallistia, but nobody calls me that. Heck, they don't even know that's my real name. People call me Kallie. Don't know how they came up with that nickname, but who cares.

Currently, I'm not in any clubs or UIL clubs. Nothing seems to spike my interest. I'm more into... physic stuff. Like powers, you know. Maybe mythology too, but only a bit. The only time I actually pay attention, is when they teach us the more important gods and goddesses.

"Zeus." I turned and looked at the teacher as she said that. "He is known as the king of gods. The god of the sky and the lightning bolt. What people don't know, is how many women he's slept with. Most of them were mortals, others were goddesses. But, he never left Hera, his wife. Many believe Zeus has an unknown child, but that's only a belief" she explained. "Now, who can tell me the names of the women he has slept with?"

Nobody bothered to raise their hand. Who knows all the names anyways? Not me.

"Kallie" the teacher said. It caught me by surprise. "Can you name all the women Zeus has been with?"

"Aegina, Alcmene, Callisto, Danae, Electra, Europa, Ganymede, Io, Leda, Maia, Semele, Taygete, and many more" I replied. Everybody in the class looked at me in surprise, including the teacher. I even surprised myself. I didn't know I knew that. How... When did I even learn that? I don't remember learning that or reading about it or anything.

"That's... that's correct" the teacher stammered. I looked away from her, trying to figure out the heck I answered that question. How could I have known that information? "Okay, class. It's almost time to leave, so please gather your stuff and wait for the bell."

I placed my notes in my binder, and put my binder in my bag.

"Kallie?" I turned and looked up at the guy standing next to my desk. "Are you going to be busy this Saturday?"

"No, why do you ask?" He fumbled to find the right words to say. It almost looked like he was sweating.

"I was wondering, if you would like to.. go to... the movies.. with me" he slowly replied. I opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Jose. He smiled at me, before turning to the guy.

"Keep dreaming, Justin. a girl like Kallie would never go out with you" he said, rather harshly. Justin? The nerd? Everyone always makes fun of him, and for no reason. I felt so bad for him.

"Oh, okay" Justin whispered, walking away with his head bowed low. I watched him walk away sadly. Jose must of hurt his feelings.

"Kallie, how about you and I go out Saturday?" I looked at Jose, who was still standing there.

"No thank you" I responded, grabbing my bag and walking away from him.

"Wait." He came after me. Right then, the bell rang. "Why not?"

"Because, I don't appreciate when guys like you are mean to sweet guys like Justin" I stated, heading for my locker.

"C'mon, we both know that you would never go out with him" Jose said. I stopped walking and turned to him.

"You don't know me, I would go out with a guy like him. You know why? Because he's nothing like you" I replied, rising my voice at the end. Jose looked surprised by my sudden reaction. I walked away from him and over to my locker to get my jacket. When, I noticed some guys bother Justin near his locker. They were pushing him and they dropped his books, before laughing. I bit my lip, wondering what to do.

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