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The air felt thick, and I just knew that the new guy was staring right at me as the teacher introduced him to the class.

"Everybody, I would like you all to meet Lucius" the teacher announced. I think she either told him to sit where ever he wanted or to sit next to me. Either way, he was still heading over to my table. His eyes glued on me, watching me, trying to study every single feature on my face. As he sat down with a smile on his face, he greeted me.

"Hi." I slowly turned to him, and smiled, a natural smile that I barely gave any male.

"Hey" I replied.

"What's your name, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Kalli" I said.  He held stuck his hand out to me.

"Nice to meet you" he responded, as I shook his hand.

"Class, read pages 247-251 and answer the skills and questions" the teacher announced. I opened up my book, as did Lucius. "Kalli, would you mind helping our new student?" I shook my head, no. The teacher smiled in reply.

"You don't have to, the answers are in the book, right?"

"Not all of them, for the skills, we have to use our notes" I stated.

"Oh, do you mind lending me yours?"

"Not at all" I replied. I took my notes out of my bag and handed them to him.

"Thank you, Kalli" he said. I don't know what it was, but the way my name rolled off his tongue, affected me in a way. There's something odd about this guy, though. But I can't seem to put my finger on it.

It wasn't long till class ended. Before even taking one step into the hallway, someone yelled out "Happy Birthday, Kalli!" Shortly after, a roar of 'happy birthday's escaladed through out the hallway. I smiled, my cheeks turning slightly pink in embarrassment.

"Today's your birthday?" I turned, coming face to face with Lucius.

"Uh, yea" I responded. He gave me a breath-taking half smile.

"Happy Birthday, Kalli" he said, before walking off. I found myself smiling while watching him disappear in the crowd of students. What are you doing, Kalli? Am I getting  a pre-crush? I sighed heavily. What is going on...

I made way over to my locker, where Justin was at. I smiled warmly at him.

"Hey, Kalli" he greeted, "happy birthday."

"Thanks, it's been a not so good morning though" I said.

"How come?" I shrugged. Again, that weird feeling came over me, as if someone was staring at me. If it's Christy again, I'm so going to flip her off. I slowly turned, but it wasn't Christy giving me the evil eye, no, it was Lucius who was staring dreamily my way. I couldn't help but smile at that and turned back to Justin. Stop, you've got to stop this, Kalli! You don't even know the damn guy! Easier said than done. I've got to find a way to avoid Lucius. Though part of me wanted to get to know him better, and another wanted to avoid him at all costs, I knew both would be a struggle. First of all, he's too pretty to be interested in someone like me. Second of all, I've got more important things to do than occupy my time just talking to him and thinking about him and staring at him.

I unlocked my locker and opened it. And once again, I couldn't help but sneak a peak at Lucius, who was still staring back at me. His eyes looked so mysterious and hypnotizing, I just couldn't look away. He was leaning against the wall near the cafeteria, his hands stuffed in his pocket. It felt like we were the only two people in the room. His eyes just seemed to lock me in place. There's was a little sparkle that just made my chest tight. Then, he smiled and walked away. Snap out of it, Kalli! What is wrong with you? There was no explanation to what just happened.

"So, what do you think, Kalli?" I came back to earth when Justin Spoke.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I was asking if you would rather go to the China Garden tomorrow?" I nodded and smiled.

"Yea, that's fine" I replied. Justin returned the smile.

"Great, so, after school?" I nodded. "Kay, see you later."

"See ya" I said, before grabbing my book out of my locker, closing it, and walking to my next class. My mind was all over the place, but mainly on Lucius. I don't even know why I'm thinking about him, we barely met. But is it possible that there might be something about him that attracts me to him? At this point I'm actually believing it. This has never happened to me before, I'm absolutely clueless about what to do right now. Well, if I can't get him out of my mind and life, I've got to be-friend him.

"Kalli." I turned at the mention of my name. Lucius was jogging up to me. "Hey."

"Hi" I replied. There was a nice, warm smile on his face that just seemed so welcoming. Yup, there's no way to avoid a guy like this.

Sorry it took me this long to update, I'm trying really hard to type a little each day, and now that I'm sick, I have more time to write than ever. And thanks for the two weeks off from school, too. Well, hope y'all liked it! Hopefully there'll be more updates on the way! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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