#002 - papa smurf

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heavily inspired by blue hair mark during Ay-Yo era ( I LOVE BLUE HAIR MARKKK)

in this story, 127 dorms are at the same place, just on different levels of a small apartment building.

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It was around 9pm on a Tuesday night, where 127 had just finished their last practise before they started filming the music video for Ay-Yo,. Despite previously already having blue hair, Mark's roots had grown out and a obvious ombre had been formed on his scalp. For aesthetic purposes, a retouch had needed to be done. But with their long and unpredictable nature of their schedules, there wasn't an available time for the neo's to do so.

So thats how they ended up in this situation, known as 'mission - midnight monstrosity'. In the living room of the dorms, half of it was set aside to lay out a feast of take-out, to compromised for the missed out dinner time the members had lost due to overlapping schedules, while at the other end, nearer to the staircase of the studio like apartment, the members who needed a touch up or make-over of their hair before filming the next day were sat with chemicals slowly bleaching their scalps. 

Minseok was playing with with jeno at the dining table while minjun was busying himself between mark's legs, while yn was helping him touch up his hair before filming the next day.      ¨ Ya Jun,be careful baby¨                                                                                                                                               yn said as minjun attempts to mess up marks hair which was currently coated in blue hairdye, resulting in minjun's hand being smeared in some blue dye. Mark grabs the towel wrapped about his neck, using it to gently wipe the blue colour off minjun's skin. yn patted marks back, as a sign that he was good to roam around until the timer was up and he could wash his hair out. Mark picked minjun up into his arms while trailing behind yn.

¨mama, dada ¨ minseok gleed cheerfully from Jeno's lap as he sat and ate the take out mash potatos as a late supper meal. ¨werent you full from dinner?¨yn asked minseok as he took another mouthful of potato from the spoon jeno held up to his mouth. ¨uncle jeno said that if i eat more ill grow up to be tall and strong like him!¨ minseok cheerfully replied with his mouth full of potato. ¨jun jun, did the smurf meet you when you were sleeping¨ minseok asked minjun as mark approached the table with a semi-tired minjun on his chest. Confused, yn and jeno turned to minjun,where they saw his previously pale skin dyed blue on his arms and cheek. Giggling , yn noticed that the back of mark's hair  was standing up. A chuckle was let out as yn turned to mark ¨baby are you that tired that you dont notice minjun messing with your hair¨ Mark walked to the sink as he rinsed minjun's blue stained hands under the tap, sighing ¨ dude, this little man has his own plans like dude i tried taking his hands of but he didn't let me.¨ As mark turned around with a giggling minjun , the obvious blue stained skin that could not be washed off lingered on minjun's skin as Mark's attempt to clean it was proven ineffective.            ¨I think it's time for a bath, right jun? seok, you too¨ yn said as she pulled minseok off of Jeno's lap

Up in the second floor bathroom, yn was getting minseok and minjun in the bathtub while mark went into their room to get their pyjamas for them to change into after their bath. * time skip* as minjun and minseok came out of the bath, in their matching pyjamas, the timer on yn's phone rang. ¨Markkk, go wash ur hair out right now, you can manage it by yourself right¨ yn said as Mark nodded his head and entered the bathroom. Yn held minjun's hand while carrying minseok, bringing them back downstairs with the rest of the members.                                                     ¨ Jun Jun smurf!¨ Minseok screeched as yn walked down with the twins. Minseok climbed onto the sofa, where jaehyun and yuta has been sitting, watching whatever was on show on the television broadcast. Yuta took minseok in his embrace as minseok crawled to his direction ¨ Jun was being naughty wasn't he¨ yuta asked as minjun crept onto jaehyuns lap, while showing his still slightly blue arm and cheek ¨ you had alot of fun messing with your dad's hair didn't you¨ jaehyun asked as he tickled Minjun's stomach, while carefully caressing his blue-stained skin

¨Dada Dada¨ minjun replied as he made a grabby hand sign, signalling to a tried mark that had just walked down the staircase, with a towel draped on his shoulder. ¨babe, i think we have a huge problem for tomorrow¨ mark sighed as he took a seat right beside yn on the sofa in front of the tv, while removing the damp towel from marks shoulders, yn realised a large blue splotch on the back of marks neck, similar to the print of blue on minjuns arm. ¨ oh gosh, we got so carried up with trying to get the dye off jun that we forgot about checking on you¨ yn giggled as she faintly rubbed her thumb over the blue patch on marks neck.

¨ junie, seok baby, could yall sit down for a second, let mama finish up with dada then we can get ice cream later alright¨ yn says in attempt to calm the two hyperactive children who were running around the crowded and busy dressing room behind the filming set. The word ice cream had caught the two youngers attention as they immediately stopped their tracks and sat on the empty sofa placed at the back of the dressing room.                                                                                          As yn took out the beauty blender from the makeup pouch laid in front of her, she tilted marks head forward as she started lightly covering any obvious patches of blue that stuck out from the hat mark wore with a bandana sealed under. ¨ ok papa smurf, you're good to go¨ yn said as she patted marks back, wishing him luck before she went of to entertain two very bored boys that were eagerly waiting for their ice cream treat as promised.

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A/N : its been a long time since a last wrote something (especially on wattpad) . I was thinking of making it into a full story but i dont have enough inspirational plot to make it a full length story yet but I'll keep updating as oneshots until I've found enough inspiration to make a full detailed story plot ( to make into a book hehe). Its also the last few days of my last school break before my finals so i might either be crazy caught up in updating this story as a form of stress relieve or might just ditch this story until later November.

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