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2 Months Later

    The Patriots season was off to a great start. They were 7-1. Tom was in Washington for an away game and would be home in a few hours. Olivia was late and she went and bought a pregnancy test. She waited the three minutes it told her to, and it was the longest three minutes of her life. She couldn't contain her excitement. Her phone timer finally went off and she flipped the test over. Two lines. She was pregnant! She went out to buy some cute little baby clothes and a gift bag to surprise Tom. She got back to the house and quickly wrapped them up.

    Tom came in all excited because they won. "Hey babe! Good game last night!" Olivia said planting a kiss on Tom.

    "Thanks Liv! How was your weekend alone?" Tom asked sitting at the counter and pouring himself some cereal.

    "It was very relaxing. I bought you a present since you played so good last night," Olivia answered. She wasn't lying, Tom threw for 4 touchdowns and no interceptions.

    "You really bought me a gift?" he asked her. Olivia went and got the gift. Tom watched as she walked away thinking about how sexy she was. She brought the gift bag out to him. He just looked at her.

    "Open it!" she squealed not wanting to hide it from him any longer. He tore open the bag. He was confused for a moment and then it clicked.

    "Wait! Are you? Are you sure? We are going to have a baby?" he was practically jumping up and down he was so excited. Olivia nodded her head. He picked her up and twirled her around. He was so excited. He finally calmed down and they were sitting on the couch. "When did you find out?" Tom asked rubbing her leg.

    "This morning. I went and bought the baby clothes right before you came home. I scheduled a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. Are you going to come with me?" Olivia asked still excited.

    "I wouldn't miss it for the world Liv," he said laying next to her now.

    The next morning they woke up and went to the Doctor's office. "Well, Mr. and Mrs. Brady, congratulations. You are indeed pregnant. You are about 8 weeks along. Now we are going to try and get the heartbeat up on the monitor here," the doctor said moving the wand around Olivia's toned stomach. After a few seconds Tom and Olivia heard the thumping of their little baby's heart for the first time. Tom just smiled at his wife, who was watching the screen. The doctor pointed out a little speck that was their baby.

    "I'm so in love already Tom," Olivia said when they got back to the car.

    "Me too. I have wanted this for so long," Tom said holding his wife's hand.

    "What do you think it is?" Olivia asked him.

    "I think it's a boy," Tom answered. "What do you think?"

    "I think it's a girl," Olivia answered.

    "If it's a girl I hope she has your big brown eyes and your freckles. I hope she blushes when people compliment her. I hope she sings like you do," Tom said. Even with his eyes on the road he could tell Olivia was blushing.

    "If it's a boy I hope he has your perfectly scruffy hair and he let's me play with it like you do. I hope he has your contagious smile. I hope he is as incredibly athletic as you are and I hope he is as caring as you," Olivia said squeezing Tom's hand.

    "How long until we can tell people?" Tom asked her.

    "They say to wait until 12 weeks just to be safe," Olivia answered. "We should go buy some books to read about pregnancy," Olivia said. Tom pulled into a store parking lot. "Get me ice cream too please," Olivia said as Tom shut the door. A while later Tom came back with 5 different books and 3 pints of ice cream. "Did you buy the whole store?" Olivia asked looking up from her phone.

    "I didn't know what to all get and I didn't know what kind of ice cream you wanted," Tom said sheepishly. When they got home Olivia started to make lunch. She was trying to reach a pan up high but was about a foot too short. She started to climb on to the counter to get it when Tom pulled her down. "What are you doing? You are pregnant you shouldn't be doing this kind of stuff," Tom said sternly.

    "Tom, I'm just pregnant. I can still do this kind of stuff," Olivia said crossing her arms.

    "I don't want you straining yourself, especially if I'm not here. Promsie me you won't do that anymore?" Tom said putting his hands on Olivia's hips.

    "Fine. I promise. You are going to need to get all of those pots and pans down from up high then," Olivia said.

    "It would be my pleasure," Tom answered.

    "And you can finish making lunch, I don't want to strain myself," Olivia said walking away. Tom let out a chuckle but decided not to argue with her.

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