Chapter 4

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After what felt like an eternity, it was finally 5 o'clock, signaling the end of yet another workday. Unlike the nostalgic ring of a school bell, there was no grand announcement to mark the hour - just the dull hum of computers powering down, echoing through the office like a sigh of relief. A few disgruntled groans accompanied the shuffling of chairs as people finally broke free from the desks they'd been chained to since 9 a.m. this morning. At last - the prisoners were released.

As I made my way to the exit, the sharp clatter of high heels on the laminate floor grew louder behind me, gaining on me with each step. "Cam, wait up!" Josie called out. Here we go again, I thought, suppressing the urge to roll my eyes. With a resigned sigh, I stopped and turned on my heels to face her, forcing a smile to my lips. As she caught up, her hurried jog slowed to a leisurely pace, matching mine as we walked out together. "I was so bummed when I got your email about tonight. It's such a shame you two couldn't make it!"

"I know, I'm gutted too," I lied, trying to sound as disappointed as possible. "Dylan's work thing completely slipped my mind."

"Ah, well no worries. Jack and I are still going bowling tonight, but I'll think of another double date we can plan soon!" Sweet, innocent Josie - if only she knew I'd never wanted to go bowling in the first place.

Relief washed over me, and I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, that sounds great," I said as we stepped into the elevator.

Josie kept talking, but I was too lost in my thoughts to listen. All I could think about was whether Beth would be in the parking lot when I got outside. The elevator dinged softly as the stainless steel doors slid open, bringing us to the ground floor.

As we stepped out, I glanced toward the entrance, scanning the wall of windows. There she was—a half-smoked cigarette dangling between her slender fingers. I took a deep breath, steadying myself as we approached the glass doors, preparing for the possibility of her speaking to me.

The moment we stepped outside, Josie's chatter was abruptly cut off by Beth's raspy voice. "Hey, Camden. You alright?"

Both Josie and I turned to face her. The cigarette now rested between her plump lips as she took a drag. "Hey, Beth. I'm good, thanks. How are you?" I smiled, my heart skipping a beat that she even acknowledged me. Josie, ever the shadow, hovered awkwardly by my side. Doesn't she have somewhere else to be?

"Yeah, not bad. Another day, another dollar, I suppose." Beth's words floated on a cloud of smoke as her sharp eyes flicked to Josie. "Hey, I'm Beth. I work in the finance department." She extended her hand, her demeanor cool but polite.

"Hey, I'm Josie. Customer Service with Cammie," Josie mumbled, glancing at me for reassurance.

"You guys up to much tonight?" Beth asked, flicking her cigarette butt to the ground and stamping it out with a practiced twist of her chunky black boot - if only she could do the same to the fire in my heart.

"Well, we were supposed to go on a double date, but my partner couldn't make it," I said, still trying to convince Josie I was disappointed. "So, looks like I'll be home alone."

"Speaking of which, I should get going," Josie chimed in, flashing a smile. "Got to make myself look all pretty!" With a quick goodbye, she dashed off to her car, leaving just me and Beth standing there.

"What about you? Got any plans?" I asked, desperate to keep the conversation going.

"Not really. I've been so busy settling into this new town, I haven't had much time to make friends yet," Beth laughed, though there was a trace of vulnerability in her tone. Her piercing eyes met mine again. "Hey, I know this might seem a little forward, but how about that spin on my bike we were talking about this morning? It's perfect weather for a ride." She glanced up at the sky, as if trying to mask a flicker of uncertainty.

Caught off guard, I stammered. "Uh, yeah, sure!" I blurted, my heart pounding. Immediately, my mind went into overdrive, and the questions spilled out before I could stop them. "Wait, right now? I mean, I'm not really dressed for it..." I looked down at my red body-con dress and high heels. "And I don't even have a helmet!"

A slow smile spread across Beth's lips, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Relax. First of all," she began, her voice tinged with playful mischief, "your legs will be wrapped around my waist, so no one will be seeing up that little dress of yours." Her gaze traveled down to my hips, and I felt a flush of heat rise to my cheeks. "Secondly, you can borrow my jacket and helmet. That'll keep you warm and safe." She slipped off her black leather jacket and draped it over my shoulders with a casual intimacy that made my heart race. "So, are you in?" she asked, her voice low and tempting.

My mind screamed with a million reasons to say no, but my heart, aching to spend more time with her, won out. "Yes, I'm in," I said, offering a sheepish smile.

As we walked toward her bike, she kept the conversation light. "So, have you ever ridden a bike before?"

"No, never," I admitted, shaking my head. She chuckled softly, her tongue grazing her teeth in a way that made it clear she was enjoying my nervousness.

"Well, don't worry. Your job is easy - just hold on tight." she said, lifting the helmet off her handlebars and placing it gently on my head. She swung her leg over the bike, straddling it with practiced ease.

"And what's your job?" I shouted, hoping the helmet wasn't muffling my voice too much. I awkwardly mimicked her movements, settling in tightly behind her. The electricity between us was undeniable as our bodies made contact.

"My job?" she echoed, as if savoring the question. "My job is to make sure we don't die," she laughed as the bike roared to life beneath us.

With a rev of the engine, the bike shot forward, the front tire skimming the tarmac with a reckless thrill. My heart leapt into my throat as the world blurred around us, and for a brief, exhilarating moment, I wondered if she was daring enough to pull a wheelie whilst I was clinging to her for dear life.

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