Chap6: Revelation

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The next day, Minho rushed into the hospital as soon as possible after finishing his work.

"Good Evening. I'm here for Hwang Hyunjin. Can I see him?" He asked the lady on the reception

"Good Evening Sir, what is your relation with the patient?"

This caught him off guard. What was he supposed to say? He himself didn't know his relationship with Hyunjin other than being his boss. But it was definitely more than that, right?

"I-I'm his friend" he blurted. Could he really call him his friend? After everything he had done...

"I'm sorry but we can't let you in if you aren't related to him."

Just then the nurse from yesterday was passing by and she heard the exchange. She told the receptionist that he had been here with him yesterday and that it was okay if he visits him. Although Minho wasn't related to him, she had seen the way Minho's heart was breaking for him throughout the time he had been here yesterday. She guided him towards Hyunjin's room and gently patted his shoulder before leaving.

Minho took a deep breath before opening the door. He wasn't going to cry today.

"Hi" he whispered as he once again sat on the same chair as yesterday. He slowly reached forward and held Hyunjin's hand in his own.

After a long time of contemplating about what to speak, Minho finally broke the silence.

"Our previous clients, Mr. Choi and his team had come to the office today. They were really impressed with your work. They want to hand over another project to us. They also said that they would like to continue with us being their project partners if this one becomes successful as well. Everyone was really happy for our success's not the same without you. Everything feels so different and...strange.

"Yesterday, I was going to tell you the truth, I wanted to apologize for lying and make it up to you. I was really regretting what I had done and I wanted to say sorry. I still want to, I'm really sorry Hyunjin. But saying sorry now just doesn't feel enough. I had planned to take you out on dinner and was also- " he abruptly stopped talking after realizing what he was about to say. "nevermind"

"you know what-" Minho continued to talk about random things for almost an hour before finally deciding that it was time to leave.

"I hope you are resting well here. Get all the sleep that you require because once you are up and back at work, you won't be able to sleep so much again." He chuckled.

On his way out, he met Jisung along with another boy who he supposed could be Felix. Jisung smiled when he looked at Minho. Minho tried to reciprocate the smile but he just couldn't. He hadn't realized it that day, but how did Jisung know him?

The next day while Minho was leaving Hyunjin's room, he came across Jisung again, but this time he was alone. He sent a soft smile towards Minho once again and Minho stopped in his track. "Do you know me?"

and that's how they found themselves sitting in the hospital chairs, talking to each other.

"You are Hyunjin's boss, aren't you?"

"I am, bu-" before he could continue, Han interrupted.

"He used to talk a lot about you"

"About me?" Minho asked, eyes wide.

"Mhm, everytime I met him he would just keep rambling about 'Minho this' and 'Minho that' "he laughed. "He also ranted about how you kept putting so much work on him...but don't worry, I know that he secretly enjoyed it"

Minho felt a slight blush creep up his cheeks but it was immediately wiped away as he remembered something.

"Why were Hyunjin's parents not here yesterday? Weren't they contacted through his emergency contacts?"

"They don't live with him."



"But won't they come to visit him if they come to know about his accident?" He asked once again when he realized how vague Jisung's answer had been.

"Uhh...about that..." he didn't know if he should be telling all this to Minho but somehow he felt that he should. He should trust him with Hyunjin. He seemed to deeply care about him.

"His parents don't want to see him again. They practically disowned him after...after knowing that he was gay. They left him here and moved to another city. He had been living with me since then but now he has rented an apartment since its closer to work that way."

Minho's heart went out to Hyunjin. How could anyone do such a thing to him. He is so sweet and kind and loving and- The list would go on forever if his thoughts weren't interrupted by Jisung, who continued to speak.

"I'm supposedly the only person in his emergency contact list so the doctors immediately informed me."

Minho nodded. That explained how Jisung came to know about the accident and was there with him that night.

He got up and muttered 'thanks for telling me' before leaving.

Minho came to visit Hyunjin in the hospital everyday for at least an hour. He always found new things to talk about, hoping that Hyunjin wouldn't feel alone if he could feel anything at all.

It had been one week now since that dreadful day and Minho was beginning to lose his patience. He couldn't see Hyunjin like this anymore. The doctors couldn't tell when he would regain consciousness and Minho couldn't seem to wait until then. He wanted Hyunjin to be up and talk to him right now!

"How long are you going to lie in this filthy hospital bed? Aren't you bored of it already? Come on, quickly wake up so that I can take you home. Then you can relax in your own bed for as long as you want. Come on, get up...won't you listen to me? I'm your boss, you have to take my orders!"

But Hyunjin didn't move in the slightest and Minho slumped down in his chair with his face in his palms, sobbing quietly.

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