Chap8: I Love You

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As the door clicked shut, a subtle change began within Hyunjin. The kiss, tender and full of love and regret, seemed to have an effect. His fingers twitched ever so slightly, a minuscule but significant sign of life. His eyelids fluttered, struggling against the heaviness of the coma. The room, previously silent and heavy with despair, now held a faint hum of hope. Hyunjin's lips parted, and he began to mumble softly, his voice barely a whisper but unmistakably calling out one name-Minho. The one who had been by his side this entire time.

The sudden change in the hospital room drew the attention of the attending nurses and doctors. They had been monitoring Hyunjin's condition closely but had not anticipated any immediate improvement. The sight of his twitching fingers and the sound of his mumblings sent them into a frenzy.

"Get the crash cart! Prepare for immediate evaluation!" one of the doctors yelled, trying to suppress the surge of adrenaline that coursed through his veins. The team moved with practiced efficiency, though their faces betrayed a mix of surprise and hope.

One of the nurses gently checked Hyunjin's vitals while another prepared a sedative. Despite the calming medication, Hyunjin's mumbling persisted as he kept tossing his head to side, his voice a desperate murmur of "Minho... Minho..." His distress was palpable. The medical team exchanged worried glances.

Hyunjin's body was tense, his muscles rigid despite the sedative. His breathing was irregular, each inhale shallow and ragged as if he were trying to fight through an invisible barrier. His eyes, though partially open, were glazed and unfocused, darting around the room in a manner that suggested confusion and fear. His restless movements were not just involuntary twitches but an overt expression of his inner turmoil.

As the doctors and nurses worked diligently to stabilize him, Hyunjin's hands clawed at the bedsheets, his knuckles white with strain. His body arched occasionally, a reflexive attempt to reach out or escape an unseen source of distress. Sweat beaded on his forehead, mixing with tears that had begun to flow freely. His cries for Minho grew louder, more frantic, as if the mere mention of his name was a lifeline he desperately needed.

"Calm him down," the lead doctor directed, though the order seemed almost futile given the intensity of Hyunjin's agitation. Another nurse attempted to soothe him with a soft voice, but her words were lost in the tumult of his cries.

"He needs to be sedated more effectively," the doctor decided. The nurse administered a stronger sedative, the needle piercing Hyunjin's skin with practiced precision. Slowly, his movements began to ease, though his cries for Minho remained a constant thread through the chaos.

The doctors worked quickly, adjusting the intravenous lines and monitoring the effects of the medication. Hyunjin's vitals were stable but fragile, his body reacting to the stress of waking from such a deep state of unconsciousness after a long time. The room, which had been filled with tension and urgent commands, now held a tense, expectant silence.

As the sedative took hold, Hyunjin's breathing grew more regular, his cries fading into subdued whimpers. The medical team watched carefully, their eyes shifting between their patient and the monitors that displayed his vital signs. Their professional composure masked their personal relief, but the shared hope in the room was palpable.

When Hyunjin's agitation finally subsided, the doctors began their assessment. They spoke in low, reassuring tones, their hands gentle as they checked his responsiveness. The lead doctor, Dr.Park, addressed Hyunjin softly.

"Hyunjin, can you hear me?" he asked, though he already knew the patient was responsive. Hyunjin's eyes fluttered open fully, revealing a glimmer of recognition and confusion.

Hyunjin's gaze darted around the room searching for a particular someone before settling on the faces of the medical staff when he couldn't find him. His voice, now a mere whisper, carried a weight of longing and desperation. "Minho...where is Minho..."

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