Part 1

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In the beginning, there was only Peace. In the beginning, there was only Chaos. The Universe was Empty and Silent. The Universe was Full and Noisy. There was no Light, and there was no Dark, there was only Peace and Chaos. And It saw that this was Good. And It saw that this was Bad. And so, It created Him. He was to be the Destroyer, He could know no Good, only Bad, and He will be the Representative of all that is not Good. And It saw that this was Bad. It realized Its Mistake, but It could not take back into Nothingness the Him that It had created, so It made Her. She was to be the Creator, She could know no Bad, only Good, and She will be the Representative of all that is not Bad. And It saw that this was Good. It realized Its mistake, but it could not take back into Nothingness the Her that It had created, so It fell into Despair and hid, wrapping Itself inside a ball of semi-liquid Rock. Over Time, this Rock solidified, and It was trapped, forevermore encased in the despair that It had wreaked upon Itself. Him and Her started a fight that would last for many millennia after that, a constant cycle of Creation and Destruction, Life and Death, and this Fighting lead to the Construction of the Universe. She would scoop and compress empty matter in a sphere of Hydrogen and Helium, and She would breath Fire upon this Sphere, and when she threw it at Him, the Sphere would shatter, crack and explode, and the pieces would scatter around Him. Him, being the Destroyer, would then swing his Great Arms at these Elements, and thus Gravity was made. And She saw these Elements, and saw them as Good, so She befriended Him, so as to gain Access to the Elements that He had unknowingly Created. And She saw that He could be Good, if only a little bit, and He saw Her throw the ball of Fire, and He saw that She could be Bad, if only a little bit. And so He agreed to Her Friendship, and over the millennia, their Friendship grew, and soon it was a fierce and passionate Love, the ultimate mixing of Good and Bad. Him and Her eventually gave into the strange Desires that It had given them, and so an Egg of Creation was fertilized with a Seed of Destruction, and Humankind was Born. Humankind is now, and forevermore will be, part Creation and part Destruction, part Life and part Death, and so Humans would always Live and always Die. Him and Her needed a place on which to leave their Human Child, since the Child would soon Die in the Universe where Him and Her lived. They saw the Rock that is the trapped It, and saw it as Good and Bad, and so She wrapped the Rock in a Veil of Protection, while He filled the Veil with a gas that would nurture the Child until in the form of Death, He would come to collect the Child once more. The Rock soon sprouted more Life, as some of the Elements He had Created were trapped in the Veil, and the Child learned to eat the Life to support itself. And Him and Her saw that the Child was Lonely, so they gave the Child more of its kind. Not all of the Children of Him and Her were born in the form of the first Human Child, and so eventually all the Animals of the world were born. She loved each of Her Children equally, and She even lived among them, Teaching them all She knew and loving Life with all Her Children. He disapproved. He thought that She had forgotten the Love that they shared, and so begun to grow more and more Jealous of the Children that He had helped Create. And so, He gave up on the Creative ways that She had impressed upon Him, and He took up once again the Destructive ways he knew. And so, He took some of the Angels that She had given Birth to, and He turned them into Dark creatures of the Night, and He unleashed them upon the World and all of the Children of Her and Him. These creatures were Twisted and Bad, but She still saw the Good that was once all of them, and the Twisted Ones hissed, and they spat in her face, and they scorned Her and all her Light, and they scorned Her and all Her Love, for they were no longer the Angels that She had loved and nurtured, they were no longer the Guardians of Light that She had once tasked them to be. The Twisted ones murdered Her other Children, and they turned Her Children away from Her, so that they forgot who their Mother was and knew only their Father, and they began to worship their Father and only their Father, and they wrote a Book, which they named the Bible, and they called Him the Lord, and they called him God. They built for Him great Churches and Cathedrals, and they taught about Him in their schools. And She wept, for Her Children had forgotten about Her. And She hid Herself, much like It had many millennia earlier. She became the Moon, and the Moon became Her. And from the Moon, She stood guard over Her Children during the hours of Darkness, when the Twisted Ones frolicked in the hours of No-Light. And She sent Her Angels out into the Universe so that they might make a World where Her Children could Live with Her once more, away from the Destruction that is Him. And He was pleased. Now She would not interfere with His Destruction, and so He relished in the power He now wielded, unchecked by Her Light and Her Love. And He set the teeth of the Children against one another, so that their Blood was Spilled and more Souls joined him in His Palace. He had found His Palace buried in the depths of the Fiery Sun, a painful reminder to himself of that Fireball that She had thrown at Him so long ago, at the start of their Great Friendship. And His Palace was both in our skies and the Fiery Vision of Hell, and so His worshipers wrote about His Palace as two different places, the Perfect Heaven above and the Fiery Hell below, but this Palace was both. And She still Wept, and the world was Poisoned by Her sadness, and the World began to Die, and the World is still Dying, and He encouraged this, and He Loved this Death. Although, He could know no Love, and so his feelings for the world Dying were a Twisted sort of Love, something only Him and the Twisted Ones can feel. The Him and Her did not know of the It that was now encased in Earth, and Her Angels did not know that It was the Thing that was necessary for Life and for Death, and the Angels Created many Planets and Rocks on which Her Children could Live and Die, and It knew this. And so It struggled and wriggled and twisted and turned, and the Children that Lived upon the Earth experienced Great movements in the once solid Rock. One day, It will break Free, and this Earth will Die, and He is pulling the Earth towards His Palace, and She is still weeping, and the Angels are still searching, and All will end, you'll see, or Humanity will pull itself apart before then, and All will be lost, and Its dream will finally come true, and Its wish will finally be granted, and It will be Alone again, and the Universe will be Peaceful again.

(The end of this part)

Those who read this must remember that even though He is Death and She is Life, that doesn't make them quite so simple. They are Yin and Yang, they both have a little bit of Dark and Light.

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