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"Hey Thunder!" Meadow meowed, a wide smile on her face, "Are youuuu mooooooning??" She teased. Thunder glared at her, "Shut up." He hissed. Meadow seemed undaunted. She started singing, "Thunder and Stormmm!", around him and eventually got tired. 

Thunder was thankful Storm wasn't here to see this. As Meadow rested in the den, Storm came back from hunting with Lion. "Lion's a great hunter!" Storm meowed, grinning. Thunder glared at Lion as he sent Thunder a smug look. "Yeah." Thunder muttered. Storm set her prey on the fresh-kill pile and padded back to Thunder, "Who do you have the butterflies for?" She asked.

"Er.." Thunder meowed, "Not anyone, yet." Storm shrugged, "Yeah, I'd rather be an apprentice for now." 


I have to get that kestrel! 

Thunder creeped up on the bird, not making a noise. The kestrel he was stalking was plump and could make a good impression. Thunder suddenly pounced on the bird, and caught it's wing. The bird became a panicked frenzy and scratched his eye, making him yowl in fury. Thunder quickly pinned it down, biting it's neck and killing it. Though he paid the price, Storm would be impressed.


"Oh, Thunder!" 

"I've never seen an apprentice catch a kestrel before!" 

"You were so brave!" 

"You should go to the medicine den!"


Thunder lifted his chin proudly, casting a smug look at Lion, who's eyes were blazing in fury. After he went to the medicine den, he dropped his prey on the fresh-kill pile. As he padded toward the apprentices den, he was stopped by Flint. "Thunder, I were so proud of you that I'm making you a warrior early!" Flint meowed happily. 

Thunder's spirits lifted, "Thank you!" He purred. He was even going to be a warrior earlier than Meadow!


I'm a warrior now!

It was after the ceremony, and he had just finished making his nest in the warrior's den. He made his nest as far away from Lion's as he could. Storm padded up to him, "You were so brave!" She squealed, rubbing her head against his shoulder fur. "Thanks!" He purred, grinning smugly at Lion. 

His happy heart turned to ice as Lion padded toward Storm, "Hey Storm! Want to go hunting with me?" He asked. Storm shook her head, "Sorry, but Rosemary is going to take me out to train soon." Storm mewed. Lion shrugged, disappointed, "Alright." Lion meowed, and walked away to hunt with Cherry. 

"Did you know I'm not going to train today?" Storm purred, "I want to stay with you today." She meowed. Thunder's heart warmed at that. As they passed the medicine den, they heard loud coughing coming from Lavender. "Hope she gets better." Thunder remarked. Storm nodded.

Their paws led to the nursery, where Pike was playing with a round-shaped piece of moss. "This is my new game!" Pike sqeaked, "It's called moss-ball!" Thunder hooked the moss from him with one claw, "Come and get it!" He purred. Together, the three of them played moss-ball for the rest of the day, and let Brook sleep.

Yay for Thunder! The picture up there is Thunder when he's neutural!

Call to the Wild: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now