Chapter 3

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Heyyyyyy friends - After my small tiktok about this silly fic got some attention, I figured I'd at least round you all out to three chapters to start. Dinner episode coming soon, I promise. enjoy the slight angst with this one :P It's a bit shorter than my previous ones (only about 2.8k words) but it's still substance. Enjoy <3


Standing in the front room, Logan watched the street below, a mug of hot coffee (with a bit of Bailey's in it) between his hands. The mug was comically small in his grasp, although he was holding it gingerly with both hands wrapped snugly around the warm ceramic sides. He breathed steadily, listening to the light honks from cars and dogs barking at birds, watching the people of the city move through their life. His mind was loud, and pounding with a headache. He wondered if part of it was from Wade's incredulous mouth or just the lack of whiskey in his system, or both.

    Logan's eyes landed on a blur of brown hair walking steadily across the street, his breath catching in his throat and his eyes squinting to see better.

    Was that Laura?

    As the girl turned her head she fixed her hair, and Logan nodded slowly. It wasn't Laura, and he finally exhaled.

Wade had taken an unbelievably long time to explain who Laura was to Logan in this timeline, and after understanding everything that this poor girl had been through - losing her father, essentially - he felt a strange obligation to care for her now. He was not the fuzzy-outward type, but there were certain people who brought that out in him. One of them was Laura, and he knew back at the campfire in the Void; the other was Wade.

    Something about the way that merc carried himself, acted, talked, and fought really pissed Logan off. It made his frustrations rise to levels he hadn't felt in a long time, and in a way, those moments made him feel more alive. When fighting with him, Wade prodded and poked in all the places that he seemed to know would tick Logan off the most. Wade's kindness was vile and exhausting, but in some ways it touched Logan to be softer. Thinking back to the other night, when Wade was clearly having a nightmare, Logan's response should have been to turn over and ignore him - or at least slam a pillow over the other's face and wake him with force, pissed at Pool for disturbing him. It should have been, but it wasn't.

One of Logan's hands pried itself off the warm mug and moved to rest on his collarbone, his thumb rubbing gently over the ridges and tough skin.

Wade was trouble, and Logan didn't like it. Besides the obvious, he made Logan feel something he was unfamiliar with, and frankly uncomfortable with. Additionally, he couldn't distract Wade from Vanessa, the woman he came back for.

Thoughts subsiding, Logan raised the mug to his lips, taking a long swig of the burning liquid. It smelled amazing, but a more earthy scent filled the room - tobacco, vanilla, with hints of sandalwood and iron...

A familiar and irritating voice rang out, Logan placing the smell. "So, what the fuck was that about? Starting a fight and not finishing it?"

Before Logan could respond, his chest erupted with a burst of pain. His coffee splashed on the floor, along with specks of blood that began pooling on his shirt. Logan tracked the pain to his diaphragm, where it now displayed six inches of one of Wade's katanas.

"Now we're even, sugarbear." Wade laughed, wiggling the handle and causing Logan to growl. Logan twisted his arm to grab the blade, but Wade's hand was already tightly around the leather hold. With a schluck his chest was empty, the blade returning to Wade's side. "But don't worry, I always pull out! Safe swords, always."

    Logan grit his teeth, turning to the other and thrusting his nearly-empty coffee mug against Wade's chest. "I was drinking that, prick."

    "Aww, and I just wanted to see one of your sexy little holes!" Wade used a finger to prod the spot that his blade was just in, earning a sneer from the Wolverine. "Found it!" Logan snatched Wade's wrist and twisted it quickly, a groan leaving the other's mouth. "Fuck, come on-"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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