Brightfield Academy

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This is my first attempt at a story on Wattpad so bare with me. I am only in 8th grade so my writing is not going to be perfect, but if you see something that you think should be edited, nicely let me know. This is just going to be the beginning of a story that i may make into a book over the summer. With school and everything i don't have time to keep up with a whole book. So, onto the story now shall we?


This is going to be torture.

You guys are probably wondering why I think this one line explains my life at this moment.

Before I answer that wonderful question, I will tell you about myself a little bit.

First of all, my name is Beau Kinley (pronounced Bo) . I know what you are thinking, something around the lines of "Wow a guys name for a girl. What's up with that?" Well, my name is French for beautiful, but I never take the time to explain that to people. I just reply, "Yes my parents gave me a guy name, and yes, I get asked this all the time."

So here I am about to board a plane that is going to take me to this stuck up school that my parents sent me to because they liked the name of it. They gave me a credit card and shipped me away because this school is supposedly good for my "College applications". Hell, I don't even think I am going to college, let alone take my precious time to fill out a paper about it.

"Private Flight 242 to Brightfield Academy is now boarding." The annoyingly loud intercom screeched right above my head. I grabbed my all black luggage with little purple stars all over it and headed to the lady collecting tickets. Since this was a flight for Brightfield students only, we had a luggage cart that we had to put our bags onto. As I was trying to fit my last bag onto the now full cart this girl who looked around my age walked over to me.

"Here, let me help." She said as she took her brown combat boots with studs around the toe and kicked my stubborn bag into place on the unstable cart.

"Thanks." I said out of breath after my failed attempts to put my bag in it's place.

"No problem! I'm Lola by the way." She greeted me as she stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"Beau Kinley" I said firmly gripping her hand. I noticed that she had long blonde hair that reached her waist with red strips throughout it.

"I love your hair and shoes!" She said as she inspected my combat boots that were identical to hers but black. Then she slightly switched her gaze to my long blonde hair that had black and blue streaks through it. It looks like we have the same exact style and fashion.

"Thanks, you too! It must have been an act of God for us to meet. I mean, look at us, We could pass as twins!" I explained excitedly.

"Speaking of twins here comes my brother Lance and his side-kick Victor." She said with a sneer in her voice.

Sure enough I looked over and saw two gorgeous boys walking our way. I know the girl code so Lance is off limits, but I have to say Victor is definitely easy on the eyes.

" Hey little sis! Who is this beautiful young lady we have here?" Lance said as he checked me out. Lola rolled her eyes at him, but still introduced me.

"Beau, this is Lance, Lance this is Beau. Oh, and that is Victor the quiet one." Lola said. I looked over where Victor was and saw that he was just standing there with no emotions on his face.

"Beau? Isn't that a guys name?" Lance said with confusion written on his face.

" Yes it is, now why don't we go and board the plane. It is about to leave." I replied easily. After all, I do get asked that every time I meet someone new. Surprisingly Lola didn't ask when I met her.

I grabbed my small carry on bag that had my Nintendo DS and phone in it, and started to walk to the nicely dressed lady collecting tickets.

"Tickets please?" She asked nicely and we all handed over our tickets except for Victor. I was going to ask why, but decided to wait and ask Lola on the plane. Lola and I walked to a set of seats in the back and made ourselves comfortable as Victor and Lance sat in front of us. After everyone was seated, the "Seat belts On" sign lit up notifying us that we were about to take off. Unlike most people I love the feeling of taking off on a plane. The slight pressure as we lift off doesn't bother me, I kind of enjoy it. As we got up into the air the sign turned off and I heard a series of "clicks" as everyone unbuckled. I was about to try to get some shut eye when Lance turned around and started talking.

" So, you come here often." He said flirting with me. I just rolled my eyes. I was surprised when Victor spoke up.

"Ohh burn." He said with a hand over his mouth trying to hold in laughter. He reached back to give me a high five and my stomach did a little flip. Whoa! What was that? I ignored my weird stomach and slapped Victor's hand.

"Damn, you have a hard hit. I would hate to get slapped by that!" Victor said shaking his hand. I laughed and watched him as he flicked his black hair that was cut in an emo style. It was pretty hot watching him do that. He noticed me watching and looked into my slate gray eyes with his electric blue ones. We sat there looking at each other for what felt like hours, but was only a few seconds. He broke the eye contact with a wink and turned around. I felt my cheeks start to heat up thinking about our little staring contest. Wait a minute! Did i just blush? Beau Kinley does NOT blush. What is Victor doing to me?

I looked over at Lola who was creepily smiling at me.

"What!" I asked her, confused. She simply pointed at Victor who was in a heated conversation with Lance about some sport conflict. My cheeks started to heat up again.

"Shut up!" I said pushing her shoulder with my hand and turning to look out the window. All I heard was her quietly giggling. Then I remembered a question that I wanted to ask her.

"Lola, why didn't Victor turn in a ticket before we got on?" I whispered so the boys wouldn't hear me.

"Oh, his family owns Brightfield Academy and this is their private plane so he doesn't need a ticket." Lola said as if it was common sense. If Victor's family owned the school he must be loaded. I nodded and grabbed my Panda Pillow-pet and Super Mario blanket. I leaned back and closed my eyes hoping this flight would go by quicker. As I was snuggling up Victor looked back at me and winked yet another time before turning around. My stomach did another flip and I fell into sweet darkness with one picture in my mind. Victor's gorgeous blue eyes.


Yay!!! Let me know what you guys think about this and I may add another part. I have a few ideas for this story, but i don't know if it will be enough to start a whole book. I don't have any conflicts that would make this interesting but I may make Victor a vampire. If you have any ideas just let me know in the comments! Thanks, and happy reading!!


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