Avril Lavigne

26 5 0

La metto in inglese perché in italiano non ha senso

Percy: He was a boy
Rachel: She was a girl!
Annabeth: Can't I make it any more obvious?
Hazel: She joined the hunt
Jason: And he turned bad
Tyson: What more can we say?
Reyna: He wanted her. She didn't tell; but secretly she wanted him as well
Artemis: But the girls in my hunt stuck up their nose
Zoe: They had a problem 'cause his name was Luuuuke
Chiron: He was that Kronos boy!
Mr D.: She said see ya later boy!
Zeus: He was too bad to be hers
Apollo: She had a pretty face
Artemis: Stop flirting with my huntress!!

Riordanverse HumorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora