19. Deathly Poison

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On a bright, sunny afternoon, the Rangers were in their chemistry class, mixing different liquids as demonstrated by their teacher. Fian and Tetron, working together, could have easily completed the task, but their boredom led them to try a small experiment. They rearranged some of the liquid combinations and mixed different substances from those shown. As anticipated, this experiment ended in disaster—their setup exploded, leaving them a bit singed from the blast. Luckily, the explosion wasn’t too severe, so they were unharmed.

Everyone in the classroom erupted in laughter at that.
Ina: "See, that’s why you don’t need to act so smug."
Elsa: "Yeah, just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you should keep making bombs."
Their laughter grew louder until an eerie, chilling aura made them fall silent. They turned to see where the aura was coming from and were shocked to find Fadli and Adzima mixing various liquids, turning their project into a pitch-black substance that radiated a deathly aura.
Elsa: "Um... Maybe we shouldn’t have paired them up for this class."
Ina: "Agreed, they’re way more dangerous than Tetron and Fian."
Tetron & Fian: "Agreed."
They watched as Fadli added something to the pitch-black liquid.

The liquid then transformed into a clear and exceptionally pure substance. Fadli and Adzima high-fived each other with smiles. Their chemistry teacher, Eliot, then asked them:
Eliot: "What exactly did you create?"
Fadli: "Just check it if you’re curious."
Eliot examined their project and was immediately taken aback by the results.
Eliot: "Wow, you’ve managed to produce water with such high purity, mineral content, and pH levels."
Eliot: "This water resembles what you'd find deep within the Earth."
Everyone was astonished upon hearing this.
Fian: "They're incredibly smart; they could turn poison into drinkable water."
Tetron: "Yeah, they’re quite formidable."

After chemistry class ended, they split up for their different extracurricular activities. Fian and Tetron went to German club, Elsa and Ina to home economics, and Adzima joined music club. Fadli, being a new student, relaxed in the cafeteria and waited for them since he hadn’t joined any clubs yet. But soon, their morphers went off. When they arrived at the demons’ location, they found only minor demon troops attacking, with no high-level demon leading them.
Fian: "Haha, this is going to be really easy."
The Light Rangers quickly attacked the demons, not suspecting anything amiss, while Fadli stayed alert, scanning the area to check if it was a trap.

The Rangers swiftly defeated the demon forces, and Fian and Tetron celebrated their victory. Meanwhile, Adzima, Elsa, and Ina sensed something was amiss.
Tetron: "You’re right, Fian, this is really easy."
Adzima: "Stay alert; something’s not right here."
Fian: "Calm down, Adzima. If you’re too tense, you won’t be quick on your feet."
Adzima: "What did you say?!"
They laughed at Adzima’s reaction and let their guard down. Suddenly, a demon emerged from behind a tree, ready to carry out its plan. It fired at the Rangers, targeting Adzima. Fadli, ever vigilant, noticed this immediately. He quickly pulled everyone out of harm’s way and sacrificed himself to protect Adzima.

After being hit by the attack, Fadli’s Ranger mode vanished instantly, and he collapsed toward Adzima. Meanwhile, the other Rangers tried to launch an assault on the demon, but it halted them by revealing a small bottle.
Balam: "Stop! He’s been poisoned with a special toxin of mine, and this bottle contains the only antidote."
Balam: "If you attack me, I will destroy the antidote."
Tetron: "Alright, what do you want?"
Balam: "Give me your morphers, and I will provide you with the antidote."

Fian: "Alright, give us some time."
Balam: "You only have one day. If you don’t provide an antidote, he will die."
With that, Balam vanished, and the Rangers carried the unconscious Fadli back to the palace. After examining Fadli, they realized Balam’s words weren’t an exaggeration; they truly couldn’t produce an antidote. They then convened in the main room to avoid disturbing Fadli. The Rangers then apologized to Adzima.
Fian: "Sorry, Adzima. You were right; we shouldn’t have been messing around like that."
Adzima: "It’s not your fault. I also lowered my guard, and Fadli was struck because he was protecting me."

Tetron: "So, what should we do now? Do we really have to hand over our morphers?"
Ina: "We don't have another choice."
They turned to Sulaiman for his opinion.
Sulaiman: "Whatever choice you make, I will support it. And honestly, I don’t want to lose Fadli either."
They pondered and looked at their morphers. Fian and Tetron then had an idea.
Fian & Tetron: "I have an idea."
They exchanged glances and nodded in agreement, ready to leave.
Adzima: "Where are you going?"

Fian: "Trust us."
Tetron: "That's right; we’ll make amends for our mistakes."
As they were about to leave, they heard a commotion from the room where they had left Fadli. They hurried to the room and were shocked to find Fadli lying unconscious on the floor, struggling to breathe, and surrounded by several test tubes.
Ina: "How did he end up on the floor?"
Fian and Tetron examined the test tubes that Fadli had been handling.
Fian: "It seems he was trying to push himself too hard and make an antidote for himself."
They then carefully helped Fadli back onto the bed.

Adzima: "Fian, Tetron, whatever you’re planning, please hurry."
They nodded and swiftly left, while Adzima sat by the bed, holding Fadli’s hand and praying. Soon, Fian and Tetron returned with a box. They asked everyone to remove their morphers before heading to meet Balam.
Balam: "Ah, you’re back. So, what is your decision?"
Fian: "We agree."
Fian handed the box to Balam. Inside were watches identical to their morphers. Just then, Fadli arrived, breathless and evidently in pain, trying to stop them.

Fadli: "Wait, don’t do that."
Adzima: "Fadli, how did you get here?"
Fadli: "If you give that morpher to the demons, this world will be doomed."
Fian: "Sorry, friend."
Balam took the box with a satisfied look, while Fadli, struggling to stay conscious, collapsed and nearly fainted.
Tetron: "You’ve gotten what you wanted; now give us the antidote."
Balam reached out to hand over the antidote but purposely let it fall. The bottle shattered upon hitting the ground, spilling the antidote everywhere.
Fadli, fighting to stay awake, reminded them:
Fadli: "I told you..."

After saying that, Fadli fainted once more, while Balam laughed heartily.
Balam: "Hahaha, did you think I would just hand it over to you? Hahaha, how foolish. Enjoy your ignorance and watch as your friend suffers a slow and painful death because of your stupidity."
This enraged Adzima. She swiftly put on her morpher and launched a relentless attack on Balam, showing no mercy whatsoever.
Adzima: "You’ve made a grave mistake."
Her attacks became increasingly swift and deadly, causing the other Rangers to fear for their safety. Adzima ultimately defeated Balam in a one-sided battle, and Balam’s body was then absorbed into Fadli’s morpher by itself.

Adzima rushed to Fadli, embracing him while tears streamed down her face.
Adzima: "I’m so sorry."
Elsa and Ina lowered their heads in silence, while Fian and Tetron gathered the scattered antidote samples from the ground.
Fian: "Adzima, it’s not over yet."
Tetron: "That’s right. We can still create the antidote with these samples."
Adzima looked at them, her eyes filled with hope.
Adzima: "Really?"
They nodded. Then, they all carried Fadli back to the palace. After laying Fadli down, Fian and Tetron, with Zakaria’s help, immediately set to work on recreating the antidote.

They were astonished to discover that the antidote Fadli had created was nearly identical to Balam’s, needing only a few adjustments to be complete. While the guys worked on finalizing the antidote, Adzima never left Fadli’s side. She continually held his hand and prayed for him. Shortly, the guys completed the antidote and handed it to Adzima. Adzima attempted to give the antidote to Fadli, but he struggled to breathe and choked on it. Adzima then chose another approach. She drank the antidote herself and administered it to Fadli through mouth-to-mouth, commonly known as a kiss.
Adzima: "I hope this antidote works."

Adzima continued to administer the antidote with kisses until it was all gone. Her friends were taken aback by this but couldn’t help but smile at Adzima afterward. Once the antidote was fully given, Adzima saw that Fadli had started to calm down and breathe normally, which eased everyone's worries. Meanwhile, Adzima's face flushed red as she realized what she had just done.

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