The night

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As I drift off to sleep on the cot Devin lent me, the warm orange glow of the lamp creates a relaxing ambiance in the room. A few hours later, I wake abruptly, momentarily disoriented, forgetting I'm in Devin's room instead of my dorm.

Sitting up, I rub my face and yawn, my gaze landing on my phone charging on the nightstand above my head. I pick it up and see it's 3:45 AM. Setting it back down, I notice Devin's bed is empty, sparking a wave of confusion. Where could he be?

A pressing need to piss pulls me from my thoughts. I throw off the covers and stand, still feeling groggy. As I open the bedroom door, darkness envelops me. I use the wall for guidance as I make my way toward the bathroom, but suddenly—bam! I collide with something solid and stumble back.

"Fucking hell, Dennis!" a voice exclaims from the shadows. My eyes adjust slowly, revealing Devin's figure. Thank goodness; I thought I might have run into Savan again.

"Sorry, Devin! I didn't see you in the dark," I apologize, struggling to make out his features against the blackness.

"What are you doing?" he whispers.

"I gotta take a piss," I reply sheepishly.

"Oh, right," he responds, probably realizing the answer was somewhat obvious. He strides past me and heads into his dimly lit room. I locate the bathroom and take care of business, wondering what Devin had been up to—probably just using the bathroom himself.

I turn off the bathroom light and exit, having to readjust my eyes to the dark hallway. I spot an orange line on the ground coming from Devin's room and make my way toward it. I open the door to his room and see him sitting on his bed, propped up with pillows, looking at his phone. To my surprise, he has a hard-on. I can see it bulging through his boxers.

He looks up at me and I quickly redirect my gaze, trying not to be disrespectful. He watches me as I climb back into my makeshift bed.

"Sorry, morning wood. Or I guess early morning wood," he chuckles.

"Oh, I didn't even notice—relatable though," I say, lying. I can feel myself getting hard as well.

I begin to lose my sleepiness; I'm now fully awake. "I'm not tired anymore," Devin says from his bed. I can't really see him from my position since my cot is lower, but I can hear his voice.

"Yeah, me neither," I reply.

"Wanna go downstairs and get drunk again?" Devin suggests with a chuckle.

"What are you, some kind of alcoholic?" I tease, mimicking his earlier remark. He sits up and scowls down at me.

"Oh, that's rich coming from the dude getting a boner looking at his roommate." He smirks, laughter bubbling up.

"Hey, come on now, I explained myself," I say defensively, but he just laughs.

"Let's go," he says, springing off his bed, stepping on the cot before landing on the floor.

Maybe we could actually become good friends; perhaps he's warming up to me after all. He throws on a pair of basketball shorts and tosses me a pair. "Here, these should work," he says. I catch them and hold them up.

"Thanks," I reply. While his back is turned, I quickly whip open my covers, still somewhat hard. This is so annoying! I'm not gay, but it feels like my dick is saying otherwise. I pull on the basketball shorts and adjust myself, hoping to conceal the bulge.

We both go shirtless as we exit the room, creeping through the hallway past the kitchen, and open the door leading downstairs to the casino.

Devin whispers, "We have to be quiet, at least until we get to the bar area. Then we can be a little louder."

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