The Beginning

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Over Jakku, New Republic and Imperial Forces were engaged in a heated battle, So far it seemed that the Republic ships were beating and destroying Imperial Ships, and onboard Home One, Admiral Gial Ackbar looked to the side from his command chair, his adjutant pointing to some few escaping ISDs.

"Send Commodore Karlsson and his fleet to chase them." Ordered Ackbar, and the order was relayed.


SHIPS: MC80a Star Cruiser (Valiant Dawn), x2 EF76 Nebulon B-Escort Frigates (1 Medical), x2 CR90 Corvettes and x3 GR-75 Transports

Task Force Commander: Commodore Elias Karlsson

"Understood and Received, Sir." A Naval lieutenant said into a comm, walking over to the man sitting in the command chair.

"Commodore, The Admiral has redirected us to chase down four escaping Imperial Star Destroyers." The Lieutenant stated.

In the chair, 40 Year Old Commodore, Elias Karlsson looked to the window, seeing the escaping ISDs.

"Follow through with his orders, Let's clean this up and finish them here." Karlsson ordered and the fleet turned to chase, opening up with the forward turbolasers and weapons, ordering full firepower on them, aiming to finish up here.

A Rebel Fleet Captain popped up on a holoprojector.

"Commodore, their hyperdrives are activating and indicates that they'll be jumping into hyperspace, destination unknown. Shall we follow?" The Captain asked.

"Yes. We will crush these Imperials, track on and follow, All ships prepare for hyperspace." Elias ordered.

As the ships begun to light their hyperdrives up, the track was completed just as the ISDs fled into hyperspace, they would shortly be followed by the New Republic / Rebel fleet. However without a known destination other than following where the ISDs might go, the fleet braced and prepared it's self.

After a while they'd come out of hyperspace with no ISDs in sight.

"Have we lost them? That planet isn't showing up on the charts." A Rebel Officer stated.

"Maybe they headed to the planet." Suggested another.

"Orders, Commodore?" Another asked, waiting for orders.

"We'll follow them to the planet." Sighed Elias. "Send out Blue Squadron and Gold Squadrons to fly recon of the planet." He finished.

And with that, alarms blared among the fleet, as both Blue and Gold Squadrons prepared their X-Wings and Y-Wings, to recon the planet.



In the Hanger of the Valiant Dawn pilots were scrambling to get into their starfighters, Gold Squadron getting in their Bombers with Blue Squadron in their X-Wings, one of these pilots was Lieutenant William Erik's, a Ace who goes by 'Blue 2' and has about 65 confirmed TIE kills.

The X-Wings were the first to take off, lining up behind their squadron leader, Commander Jonas Wilson, or Blue Leader.

"All Wings form up." Wilson orders, as Blue Squadron joins in the formation.

"All wings check in" Karlsson orders.

"This is Blue Leader, Standing by." Came Wilson's voice.

"Blue One, Standing by." Another voice chimed in,

"Blue Two, Standing by." Came Erik's voice, and slowly but surely the X-Wings checked in, with gold squadron following suit, by the time it was done they were heading towards the planet, a hologram of the map showed and they were to guide transports down to the dragon-shaped part of the planet.

Entering the Atmosphere of the Planet, they were on high alert, following both squadrons was Four Transports and Three U-Wings, carrying troops and supplies for their future base of operations.

"Hey look down there, we got folks caught up fighting, it's a slaughter." came the voice of Blue Five.

Back with Wilson, He made contact with Commodore Karlsson, requesting to support the villagers who were barley holding, with Karlsson affirming and permitting them to engage, two of the U-Wings would be escorted in as they arrived at the other end of the village.


"FOR THE REPUBLIC!" Cried the voice of one of the Commandos, as the U-Wing's doors opened, with the teams being deployed, they moved into the village, as they split up into teams of two, a young sergeant came across two villagers with tails and ears about to be shot, refusing to let it happen the Sergeant and his charge readied their A280s and fired off, the two would-be killers were nothing but corpses.

"Are you okay?" The Sergeant says as he crouches down, he turns his head to the private.

"Willis, Keep an eye out for any more, I'll help these ones here whilst you go find more to help." The Commando Sergeant ordered.

"Yes Sarge." Replied Willis, as he rushed forward with his A280, into a group of the enemy but would take them out, making short work of them, as Willis pushed forward he saw Blue Squadron's X-Wings take out some form of vehicles and transports used by these killers, but within the hour the enemy would be beaten back, with the commandos forming up in the square, the Mayor came out as the villagers looked at these men and women.

"We offer gratitude to you for helping us, but your tech and uniforms don't look like those of atlas? Are you Mercenaries?" The Mayor asked, a Man stepped foward.

"No, we are Delta Team, New Republic Commandos." The Man stated, before continuing; "I am Major Robiechauld." He introduced.

"We haven't heard of this 'New Republic' and by the looks of it you seem new to this place." The Mayor gently stated.

"Of Course." Robiechauld stated, going into brief but short history and how they got here, despite the looks, the villagers would hear the proposal of coming with them back to their newly-established city, New Bespin to which they would agree, many departing with their belongings as they would get onboard the U-Wings and one transport that had landed.

The Mayor would on route inform the Major of the history of the planet, world, kingdoms and everything, with the Major Eventually contacting the commodore and informing him of this, but in all nothing much happened, with the coming days seeing the city expand and grow fast, with settlements being saved from the White Fang, however unbeknownst to the New Republic Forces, a man far away in a place called Beacon Academy would be staring out the window, deep in thought.

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