New York

28 1 0

A group of Swat agents stands outside of a apartment door with their guns aimed.

Swatt 1: In position.

A man is heard over the radio.

Radio: We have him cornered, do whatever is necessary to bring him in alive.

Swatt: Yes sir.

They breach the door open and the group of 10 swatt agents burst in. Quickly surprised to see a mother holding her daughters.

Swatt 3: Ma'am are you okay?

The mother and kids was looking up at the ceiling.

Swatt 1: Ma'am?

The littlest girl pointed at the ceiling just as a drip of blood landed on swatt 1. Making him look up at the ceiling to see a man with a 3 o'clock beard. With a ripped up t-shirt with black jeans looking back while dripping with blood.


The swatt agent immediately opened fire on the man while he jumps down cutting the swatt agents head off while throwing the head at the other agents the Quickly rams his 2 claws into his chest using him like a sheild against the other 8 agents gunshots. After they ran out and decided to reload. He throws the body knocking over 3 agents. He jumps at one stabbing him multiple time and then cuts ones neck open before being grabbed by 2 standing agents while one of the 3 that was knocked over gets up and starts unloading his gun into the man's chest. The man dies and the 2 soilders drops him.

One of the swatt agents grabs their radio.

Swatt 9: Target is neutralized.

Raido: Is he really?

Swatt 9: Yes, he........

The swatt agent had 2 blades go through his head. The other 4 agents starts shooting but the man over powers them by cutting their heads off one by one.

After the gruesome massacre was over. His body was spitting over bullets that he had unloaded into him. He looks over to the family that has just witnessed all of what he's done.

Man: I'm sorry you all had to see that.

The mother just screams in horror.


The man Quickly runs to the window and jumps out onto the next building fire escape but was quickly knocked off by a woman with a yellow and green spandex.

The man hits the ground hard breaking his arm.

Woman: Jason, please stop this madness and turn yourself in.

The man now known as Jason looks a th woman.

Jason: Fuck off X-men girls scout. I'd rather die than go back.

The man Quickly runs but he was laser beamed down to the ground. Another man jumped down on his chest crushing his ribs.

Man: I know that will take a bit to heal up.

Jason stabs the man while punching him to get him off. He grabs his chest and sees him standing there. That man who literally put him in this position. His father "The Wolverine"

Jason: Get the hell away from me.

Wolverine: I can't do that kid.

Jason: Fine.

Jason pops his bone claws.

Jason: Can't say I didn't warn you

Jason Jumps at Wolverine but he dodges it. Jason try a bunch of different combinations but Wolverine moved like he knew every move. Wolverine wasn't attacking him.

Jason then sees a woman walk into the alley. She had a rain jacket like clothes one with shades. She raises her hands. Jason knew ot was about to be a blast attack so he jumps in front of Wolverine making the blast hit him. Jason then sees a door that leads into a restaurant. He Quickly brust through. As he does his whole body is cover in medal plates. Making him unable to move. He sees a man floating towards him. He's wearing purple armored clothes. With white hair.

Man: Well, you may not have the same bones but I always improvise.

Jason: Let me go.

Man: Sorry, no can do.

Wolverine and the woman from earlier walks in.

Woman: Good Job Magness

Wolverine walks up to Jason trapped on a bunch of plates.

Wolverine: You got two choices, Come with us and serve time as a student or serve time as a mutants terrorist in prison.

Jason looks at Wolverine with anger.

Jason: I'm a murder, I'm no hero

Wolverine: But you can be.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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