Chapter 2: Unfinished Business

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The following evening, Tiwalade sat on the floor of her small apartment, surrounded by stacks of medical textbooks. Shalewa and Hannah were sprawled out on the couch, each nursing a glass of wine as they watched Tiwalade's attempt at multitasking. The cozy flat was a typical student living space—small, cluttered with books and notes, but filled with warmth and the smell of the jollof rice Tiwalade had made earlier.

"You know, if you keep studying like this, you're going to burn out before exams even start," Hannah teased, her British accent softened by years spent in Nigeria during her childhood.

Tiwalade glanced up from her notes and sighed. "I know, but I need to be prepared. This is my final year—there's no room for mistakes."

Shalewa, ever the practical one, reached over and plucked the pen from Tiwalade's hand. "You need a break. Come on, tell us about this pharmacologist you met today."

Tiwalade rolled her eyes but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at her lips. "It was just a consultation, nothing more. He was very professional."

"Uh-huh," Shalewa said, giving her a knowing look. "And?"

"And he's... interesting," Tiwalade admitted. "He's clearly very intelligent and passionate about his work. But there's something else—something a bit mysterious about him."

Hannah sat up, her interest piqued. "Mysterious how?"

"Well, for one, he mentioned that he was engaged once, but he called off the wedding. He didn't go into detail, but I could tell there was more to the story."

Shalewa raised an eyebrow. "That's definitely intriguing. Did he seem like he was interested in you? You know, more than just professionally?"

Tiwalade blushed, shaking her head. "I don't know. I wasn't really thinking about that."

"But you are now," Hannah pointed out with a grin.

Tiwalade sighed, leaning back against the couch. "Maybe. I don't know what to think. I'm so focused on my studies, I don't even have time to think about anything else," she said, but in truth, her mind kept drifting back to Mide. There was something about him that lingered in her thoughts, a connection she couldn't quite define.

Hannah exchanged a look with Shalewa, and they both burst into laughter. "You're so bad at hiding your feelings," Shalewa teased. "It's okay to admit you're interested, you know."

Tiwalade rolled her eyes but couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips. "Maybe I am. But what does it matter? I'm here to finish my degree, not get caught up in some complicated relationship."

Hannah leaned forward, her tone more serious. "You know, sometimes the best things in life come when you least expect them. You don't have to choose between your career and your heart, Tiwalade."

Tiwalade considered this, her mind racing. She'd always been so focused, so driven to succeed in her studies and make her family proud. But what if there was room for more in her life? What if, for once, she let herself explore something outside of her rigid plans?

She was still pondering this when her phone buzzed, pulling her out of her thoughts. She glanced at the screen and saw an email notification from Mide.

"Speaking of which," she murmured, opening the email. It was a short message, thanking her for the meeting and offering further assistance if needed. But there was something in his tone that felt personal, as if he was reaching out not just as a professional but as someone who wanted to get to know her better.

Hannah noticed the change in her expression. "What is it?"

"It's from him," Tiwalade replied, her heart skipping a beat. "He just wanted to thank me for the meeting."

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