Beyond the boundaries of love 🥀

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Shubman Gill stared out of the hotel window, the bustling streets of Mumbai a blur of colors beneath him. It was a rare night off from the cricket season, and he finally had the chance to breathe. He turned as a faint knock echoed through the room.

"Ishan?" Shubman called, his heart racing slightly as the door swung open.

Ishan Kishan stood there, a playful grin on his face, holding a bag of snacks and a couple of sodas. "Surprise!" he exclaimed, stepping into the room.

Shubman's tense shoulders relaxed upon seeing him. "You little sneak! I thought we were having a quiet night? I was about to order room service."

Ishan shrugged, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "That's boring! Besides, I wanted to celebrate us. Just think-we're going to play together for India soon!"

Shubman chuckled, comparing Ishan's energy to that of a kid on Diwali. "Okay, okay. You win."

Ishan dropped the snacks on the table and plopped onto the bed. "So what if we are two boys in this world full of conventions? We deserve to celebrate. We're breaking barriers."

Shubman smiled, sitting down beside Ishan. "True. Our love isn't conventional, but it's ours. And I wouldn't want it any other way."

Years passed with their love solidifying amidst cricket matches, victory parties, and the unpredictability of public scrutiny. One evening, a strange feeling overtook Ishan during practice.

"Shubs," Ishan whispered, concern etched on his brows, "I think something's up. I've been feeling... different. Kind of nauseous."

Shubman looked puzzled but masked it with reassurance. "You probably just ate something weird. Drink some water, you'll be fine."

But the days turned into weeks, and news broke over a phone call that would change their lives forever. Ishan was pregnant.

"I don't understand, Shubman," he said, voice shaking as he tried to grasp the reality of the situation. "This isn't supposed to happen to me. How can I be pregnant? I'm a guy!"

Shubman took a deep breath. "I know, Ishan. It's... it's unusual. But we'll figure this out together. I promise."

But the world's perception was harsh. Their families struggled to accept their son's sexuality, much less the idea of a male pregnancy.

Months passed as Ishan's pregnancy progressed, yet the strain on their relationship grew. Arguments erupted as they faced disapproving families and the societal stigma surrounding them.

"Why can't you understand, Shubman?" Ishan shouted one evening, tears streaming down his face. "I'm going through this monumental change, and I feel so alone."

"I'm trying, Ishan! But do you think it's easy for me? I'm facing the same judgment you are, but I'm here!" Shubman's voice echoed, frustration boiling over.

Ishan crossed his arms, anger giving way to despair. "What do you want me to do? Pretend everything is okay? I'm scared, Shubman!"

The day finally arrived when Ishan brought forth their son into the world-a delicate baby boy with Ishan's dark hair and Shubman's bright eyes. They named him Aarav.

But joy quickly turned into a suffocating weight. Ishan was plagued by postpartum depression, lost in the haze of motherhood.

Days passed in silence, and Shubman watched as Ishan became a shell of the vibrant person he once was. A conversation spiraled one night, leading to another fight.

"You don't get it, do you?" Ishan shouted, tears streaming down his face as he cradled Aarav. "I feel like I'm disappearing! Nothing feels real! I'm drowning!"

"I'm here! I'm trying to support you! But you need to meet me halfway, Ishan!" Shubman responded, hurt flashing in his eyes.

After their fight, Shubman isolated himself, frustration simmering within. But it didn't take long for the silence to weigh heavily on him.

Returning to the room, Shubman found Ishan sitting in the dimly lit nursery, cradling a quietly whimpering Aarav. The sight broke his heart.

He approached, kneeling next to Ishan, reaching for his hand. "Ishan... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have shouted. I don't want to fight; I want to help you."

Ishan looked up, his expression softening. "I just don't know how to cope. It's all too much, Shubman."

"I understand that now. It's okay to not be okay. You're human. I'm here, and we will get through this together," he said softly, squeezing Ishan's hand gently

Gradually, things began to change. Ishan started attending therapy and opened up about his feelings more. Shubman stood by him, always ready to listen.

"I feel like I can breathe again," Ishan admitted one evening, his fingers intertwining with Shubman's. "Thank you for not giving up on me."

"Thank you for trusting me," Shubman replied, a smile breaking through his worried expression. "You are the strongest person I know."

Their bond deepened amidst the chaos, and they embraced the rollercoaster of parenting. They faced the world together, stronger and more united than before.

Days turned into years, and as Aarav giggled and played, Shubman and Ishan had created their sanctuary of love. They had overcome societal judgment, family disagreements, and most importantly, each other's fears.

"I can't believe how far we've come," Ishan said one evening, gazing at Aarav playing. "Do you remember how scared we were?"

Shubman laughed softly. "Terrified! But look at us now. We've built a family, and our love is a testament to that."

"I love you, Shubman," Ishan whispered, feeling the weight of blessings they had weathered, the storms they had survived.

"I love you too, Ishan. Always," Shubman replied, pulling him close as they watched their son playing, enveloped in the warmth of their little world.


*A story of love, understanding, and the beautiful complexities of life lies between the unyielding bonds of courage and companionship.*

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