Games pt 2/ im sorry

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Ok friend I shall be the one to go of the first ok hmm friend beastboy truth or the dare.
Hmm truth star, "ok friend do you do the liking of someone" wait ummm what star do I like someone umm wait why do I feel a hit sensation on my cheeks wait I'm blushing aren't I. Idookwhoisnext "what did ya say little man" I like someone ok. Night wing or dare
Night wing/Robin
I was deep in thought it has been ages since the team broke up
Ok guys we need a talk what is it friend Robin that we need to do the serious of the talking with the team star cry beastboy and Rae we can't be the teen titans anymore WHAT WHY I could see everyone saying things all but raven she just stared at me her eyes threaten to show tears but she held them in I decided to talk to her Ra- WHAT WERE YOU THINK WHY WOULD YOU SPLIT THE TEAM WHY DID SOME MANY THINGS WHY ALL OF A SUDDEN DO YOU WANT TO SPLIT UP WHY and as she finished saying that, she disappeared creating a portal somewhere then as I saw the remaining three they said their goodbyes and left never to be seen again while I just fell on my knees if only I explained why I did it maybe at least I could feel better maybe I should tell them why am I like this and then they should understand
~flashBack end~
Dude hello are you in there huh beastboy what is it "truth or dare" umm truth ok well how t- beastboy was cut off by raven "Why did you cause pain and hurt to us why aren't you a superhero why are you a stupid villain why just WHY AHH with that raven got up and ran to her old room.
I slammed the door behind me how could he why did he did that to us the pain and hurt he making my mind hurt he confuses me with him saying maybe maybe arghh why I felt hot tears running down my cheeks I couldn't hold it in I burst out crying and buried my head in my arms as I slid down the door. It was quiet for a few minutes before I heard footsteps approaching at first I thought it was starfire but she would have just flew so it had to be him. "raven its me open up now please" I just heard him say that I did nothing but just open my eyes my head still buried in my arms and legs he then knock again "raven open up now" his voice was getting louder I got up and open the door slightly what do you want I replied harshly. "raven what's wrong why is this bothering you so much" my eyes tearing up because you guys were my only family that I ever felt close to you guys were the only one that change me you save me from trigon the end of the world who made me apart of the team even if you guys still knew that I was destine for the world to end. Then what do I hear after a week past guys we can't be a team anymore I was in pain Robin pain the people who I thought as family I will never see them again because you wanted to become a villain was that all. RAVEN I DIDNT MAKE THE TEAM APART TO BECOME A VILLAIN.
Raven that's not the reason "then what is" raven after the whole trigon thing I felt different I had feelings towards someone raven but I knew she would not love anyone because she never thought about it the reason kept me awake all night I just couldn't see her face and know she won't be mine I then knew what had to be done end the team but from day one it was a mistake I was thinking straight and I needed to clear my head so I took a stroll down jump city ignoring the fans and crowd then it started raining a huge storm on its way everyone disappeared no one to be found then another feeling came up no one will disturb me if I am the opposite but I took that thought away the I looked at a window of a jewellery shop a necklace with a pretty purple colour I didn't have my wallet so I took it anyways the crime alert from my communicator that there was crime I had a new feeling and it took over me I laughed because I didn't have to worry because I was the one who was stealing and I knew that no one will stop me at all because I knew the team had parted ways I kept continuing this time to time having no one to stop me until I saw you come back raven I didn't know it was you I thought you were some other new hero born but as I pulled your hood down I saw your amethyst eyes to my masked on my heart stop I couldn't move then now we're here raven you may not know it but I love you raven and I really love you so much not in a friend way in a love way after saving you from trigon I had this strong feeling I never had I thought I had loved starfire but u was wrong really wrong I was blind I knew I loved you but too much that I could not face you that's why the team took their own ways.
R-Nightwing I-I-I love you too with that I hugged him as I pulled away I said I was so sorry look Nightwing I never knew this I feel like an idiot I heard him chuckle what's so funny I look at him nothing your highness lets go back to game night and with that I happily agreed. I never knew Robin like me I thought in my mind as we entered the common room where everyone was sitting on the sofa having worried looks on their faces I broke the silence by saying starfire truth or dare then everyone change their expression to a happy one and started chatting and then waited for starfire to answer what she wanted hmmm the daring dare friend raven ok I dare you to go without mustard for an hour what nooooo why should the dare be the mean so of the much. I chuckle at starfires reaction hahahaha then I burst out laughing I didn't know why was I in a very happy mood then my eyes fall on Nightwing I blush I knew this as I felt my cheeks getting red I put my hood up and said lets play another game who wants to choose I will i looked behind me and saw beastboy volunteering while behind him was cyborg face palming because we all know what beastboy does he is the lamest lame picking person. We all said fine in annoyance.
Authors note:
Yay that's like the longest chapter so far yeah I know it's confusing to some people that why is he a villain so I defied he came clean with raven and say why and now prepare for a budding romance dun dun dunnnnn I hope you enjoy this book and tell what you think about see ya lol blah blah blah you are actually reading this meh anyway byeee

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