~𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏~

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Song: Circus - Britney Spears

"There's only two types of people in the world."

School wasn't as bad as Enola expected it'd be. It somewhat distracted her of her fight with her father and the whole crazy-stalker-ex situation. So, she just threw herself in books and didn't stop studying for hours at a day.

Even when her parents had come back home earlier, Enola didn't spend time with her father. She didn't want to act like a brat, or spoiled. But Dimitri shouldn't have broken a tradition just like that. Because 'you're grown up now'. Out of all the shitty things Enola's father has done because of his job, it was probably the worst one.

Even though her parents were absent for a big part of her life, they'd gotten close as she grew up. Dimitri and Leia weren't just her parents, they were her friends. Enola had special bonds with both of them. Whenever her mother had time, she'd paint and Enola would keep her company while they talked and drunk tea.

With her father, Enola usually watched movies or played chess. Chess is such a 'formal' game but as they played together it was always fun. The strategies, the opening and end games. Even though Enola wasn't the best at chess, and mostly lost, it still fascinated her to no end.

So, it was the first day of October when Ashley called.

"Halloween month, and most importantly, your birthday!" She cheered into the phone and Enola had to withdraw it from her ear to recover from the loud voice.

"Jesus, calm down, Ash. Yeah, okay my birthday." Enola replied.

"We're having a party this year and that's final. You say you love your birthday but never celebrate it!" Ashley continued with her loud cheerful voice, though she toned it down a bit.

"I do celebrate it." Enola said, a slight frown on her face.

"You don't do it properly. Me, Alex, Wyatt and your parents don't count." Well, okay maybe these people didn't consist of an actual party but they were her only friends.

"I don't like parties."

"Too bad, you need to socialize. You are not spending another birthday in your house, besides it'll be your eighteenth, that's like, huge. Let's make a deal." Ashley proposed, her voice taking on that suggestive tone.

"Oh god." The girl on the other line face palmed, already weary of her friend's suggestion.

"We won't go to a party for you, but to a Halloween party. Before you say no, your birthday is on Halloween day and it'd be only fair we go and have fun. We'll cut the cake, and give gifts, earlier that day, since it's Saturday." Ashley paused and took a breath. "Then, we get all dressed up and go to Wyatt's party. His parents will be at Switzerland for a three day business trip. House will be all ours. Nick and Alex are down, what do you say?" Enola had to be honest, the thought was nice.

"So... most people there won't know it's my birthday, correct?" She asked, wanting to know more details.

"Yep, no one except us." Ashley confirmed, already excited at the prospect of Enola agreeing.

"And... we'll match costumes?" Enola smirked, deciding that it wouldn't hurt having some fun on her birthday.


All the days after Enola agreed to the party, were filled with all the same things, plus Ashley pestering her about how fun it'd be. They'd agreed to match costumes, but a week later and they still hadn't found anything to wear.

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