8| Mr. Nerd Agent

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Please be aware that this story is intended for mature audiences due to its explicit content (18+).

I hope you enjoy diving into these tales of romance and desire!

Thank you for reading,



In the opulent world of the university elite, Lisa reigns as a privileged playgirl with a relentless pursuit of attention.

Her latest obsession?

Taehyung, a reserved nerd with glasses stands out in his quiet way. Driven by a desire for his attention, Lisa's bullying tactics become more intense, masking her deeper fascination.

She even frequents the bar where Taehyung works as a waiter, donning provocative outfits in a desperate bid to captivate him.

Despite her efforts, Taehyung remains unaffected, deepening the complex web of their interactions.


The dimly lit bar buzzed with the usual weekend crowd, the air thick with the mingling scents of cologne, perfume, and alcohol.

Lisa sat on a plush leather couch, one leg crossed over the other, her short dress riding up just enough to catch a few wandering eyes. But her focus was elsewhere.

Rose, her ever-loyal friend, was seated beside her, delicately fixing her false eyelashes with a small compact mirror in hand.

Her annoyance was palpable as she glanced at Lisa, who was once again staring at the same unyielding target.

"Lisa, why are you so obsessed with that nerdy guy?" Rose's voice carried a hint of exasperation as she snapped the compact shut, her perfectly applied lashes fluttering as she turned to face her friend.

Lisa tore her eyes away from the bar's corner, where Taehyung Kim stood, deep in conversation with the DJ.

His sharp jawline and tousled hair were enough to make any girl's heart skip a beat, but there was something else about him—something that made him impossible to ignore.

The clinking of glasses and the murmur of conversations faded into the background as Lisa mulled over Rose's question.

It was a fair one. Why was she so obsessed? She could have any guy in this room—most of them were already staring at her, their eyes following every movement she made. Yet none of that mattered.

"He's different," Lisa finally muttered, her voice low but edged with frustration. "No matter how provocatively I dress, he wouldn't bat an eyelash in my direction."

Rose rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed. "Maybe he's just not interested, Lisa. You can't force someone to look your way."

But that was the problem—Lisa had never needed to force anyone. Men practically tripped over themselves to get her attention, and she had always relished in that power.

Yet here was Taehyung, oblivious to her charms, indifferent to her presence. It was as though she didn't even exist to him, and that infuriated her.

At first, she had thought he was playing hard to get, a challenge she was more than willing to accept. But days turned into weeks, and still, Taehyung remained steadfast in his disinterest.

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