Chapter one

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My deep brown curls that once danced around my face now blew into the gentle yet damp spring breeze as the sun blinded me, I saw his once intimidating figure approach me as a gentle sight. The strings around my heart pulled as tightly as possible before snapping the instant he grabbed my hand; I knew I made it then.



"I hate my life..." I groaned groggily as I opened my eyes with hesitation knowing I have to wake up. I wrapped my legs around my pillow before my face was met with another one, I shot up "Dammit Jeremiah!" I shouted as the 7-year-old troll also known as my younger brother giggled holding one of my pillows, I knocked on the floor last night while I was sleeping.

 "I'm actually going to suffocate you in your sleep if you keep testing your luck." I snapped as I was now crankier than I was before. He stuck out his tongue as he ran away knowing he would get away with it like he always did. 

I rubbed my face to relax my pissy expression before it got stuck like that, I do NOT want to develop an RBF or a FBF (forever bitch face) even worse in my opinion, now more awake than a second ago I stepped out of bed as my bare feet sunk into the chilly wooden floor giving me goosebumps up my arms. 

I pulled on some sweatpants and a random tube top from who knows where with mismatched socks, as I took off my bonnet, I shook out my curls and walked over to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

The only decent perk of having curly hair is that sometimes I don't need to do anything with it, and I can kind of get by looking like a hobo because its curly hair what can you do? and trust me the white girls in 4th grade tried to brush it. It worked out pretty bad for both parties, one trip to the store for a new hairbrush and one trip to the salon for a spanking, in my defense they never told me they were going to try to trim my hair too.

I walked down the carpeted hallway and stairs which annoyingly was the only carpeted place in this Atrocious house.

"Good morning, Beatrice." My mom said with her 'Jeremiah tattled and now I'm going to scold you even though you didn't do anything wrong, but I believe him anyways' tone. 

"Morning." I replied as I threw my back near the door and slipped on my converse and inhaled the sweet savory aroma of empanadas my mom was making for later as it was my pa's favorite.

 "What did I say about being mean to your brother." My mom scolded as he clanged to her stomach, rubbing his fake tears on her cotton apron with the words 'Good in the kitchen, better in bed' which for some reason she never seems to notice "I wasn't ma, for the millionth time he started it with his punk ass smile and his dumb pranks." I hissed burning holes into his back with my eyes, which he seemed to notice as he started to turn the fake tear faucet up a notch.

 Mom sighed with annoyance as she pushed him off her with her boney but seasoned hands and wiped her forehead as the sweat trapped her baby hairs against it

 "Just be nicer Mija, he's still young." My mom replied as she comforted him in hushed Spanish.

As I grabbed my bag, I felt my mom staring at me as she curled her lips in with the worried motherly look or spiteful look, either way, she always gives me ever since I got my car junior year "Ma I took the driver's test 10 times just for your sake, the instructor said if I did it anymore, he would fail me just for wasting his time. I will be okay." I scolded her slightly for always doubting my ability to basically live. 

She shook her head as she pursed her pale lips which in our house meant an agreement of defeat "Love you, Nena." She said in her endearing deep Columbian accent as I walked out the door.


Sorry for a shortish chapter, this is my first time writing something like this. 

Kinda just want to see how it does, anyways hope you all enjoyed it

bye y'all :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12 ⏰

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