01 - Petrification

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Well apparently, this person here is a doctor 」

Kyoko's POV-

What... had happened? She wasn't sure herself. All she knew was that strange blast of green light was not a natural phenomenon. It had turned her and everyone else into stone. She couldn't speak or move or do anything except to think.

She was tending to her patient just now. She wondered if he was alright currently, though turning into stone isn't what you'd all 'alright', would you? She hoped he was fine. It scared her of what would happen if he was injured and couldn't get treated in time. No, no, it would be fine, he turned into stone too, and she saw him. As uncomfortable being stone is, maybe it would help preserve someone? Probably.

She would ask about it when she got out. But how exactly is she going to? You don't just go to the convenience store and buy some medicine for this. There were no records of this event ever happening before, therefore no medicine. But who could even go out to get it? If everyone was stone, no one could move, no one could get medicine, then you would be forever stuck in a loop. Never, ever, brought back to life... She supposed she should just wait. One day...

Ukyo's POV-

He had been summoned to Tsukasa's throne. Tsukasa spotted him once he was here.

"Ah, Ukyo. Nice to see you here. Do you have what I need?"

Tsukasa needed the revival fluid, but for who? He didn't say. But Ukyo did as ordered.

"Yes. I had a trip to the miracle cave to fetch it. Who is it for?"

Ukyo said while handing Tsukasa the revival liquid. He was slightly curious. Tsukasa revives a lot of people, and the empire grew in size each day. It would be nice to get to know them earlier, he supposed.

"Well apparently, this person here is a doctor. A very skilled one, too. Or so Minami said."

Tsukasa gestured to the statue of a young woman, and then to Minami, the reporter he mentioned, who nodded vigorously. Next to him were Hyoga, his right hand man, and Homura, Hyoga's right hand. There was also Yuzuriha, the Tsukasa Empire's expert clothes maker (tailor if you want) standing nearby.

Ukyo looked over, the statue was sat on a rock, a replacement for a chair. That was unusual. Most of the people were in a running state to flee, and some were stood there in shock. This was the first person to be sat down. She didn't look shocked either, as if she didn't notice the petrification beam turning people in stone. Clothes were already stitched on by Yuzuriha, of course. Her hair was tied up in a neat bun, though slightly lopsided to the right.

"Alright, here I go."

Tsukasa said as he poured the revival liquid on the statue.

The stone on her head began to crack, and Ukyo could see light glowing from the cracks. As the cracks spread to her whole body, the glow was too. Soon, her whole body was engulfed by light and all the stone shattered in tiny pieces (Don't ask I rewatched the revival scenes just for this that's how it worked). She had light blue eyes, and white hair with a slight purple tint. She sat there in shock for a few moments, blinking. Then she screamed (loud af). He covered his ears immediately and stared.

Kyoko's POV-

She was still in stone. After so many years, so many months, so many days, it had been so long that she forgot to count.

Suddenly, she felt as if someone had removed something from the top of her head. On there, she felt the wind. How, though? Wasn't she supposed to be trapped in stone? Soon enough, her heard cracks, and then all the stone crumbled into pieces.

She blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the light. She saw... people? Alive and well, not encased in a stone prison as well. Everyone was staring at her, and she stared at them back. The shock was too much to handle, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She screamed her head off.

(Authors notes: Heya its yours truly tsuki haha I love it good cliffhanger so anyways you'll know what happens next next week probably ♡ okie byeeee)

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