We sat there until it got dark. I sensed that it would be time to get back to the hotel. Tomorrow would be a big day for all of us, but that's a story for later.
We bring our garbage to the bin and get back to my car, where I - of course - hold the door open for her. Francesca gets in the car and buckles herself up. I close the door, walk around the car and get in myself. After buckling up I start driving back. The drive is about an hour long. We got some good music and good conversation going. I would say she's easy to talk to. Francesca is a smart woman and she's not afraid to show it. Why should she? Smart women are fucking hot. I stand by my word.
"... I'm just saying that women can do everything that men can. It's as easy as that. For example, there are like no women doing your job. Haven't seen a female bull rider" she goes on about her topic and I'm listening for real. I realize that she is right. Haven't met a woman who rides a bull. But my creative mind never disappoints me. I smirk.
"Hell yeah. Wanna show me if you can ride?"
Her eyes widen. "God, Nathan!"
I keep my 'I get that often' comment to myself and instead I say "I meant the mechanical bull tomorrow night, at the party. What did you think, perv?" I chuckle a little and stop the car at a red light. Finally I can fully turn my head to her. She looks great, I mean it. Carefree and comfortable and fucking good in this outfit. Her shirt is tight around her upper body, showing her tits and curves. Lord, I think to myself. The light switches from red to green and I turn my head back. Can't get lost in that view. It's inappropriate. I don't even fucking now what I want. I invited her to see if she'd do it, knowing that Giacomo hates me. He really does. I invited her to mess with him. How far can I go?Francesca
Nathan drops me off at the hotel and drives his car to the garage. It's better if we're not seen together. The press knows everything. Gotta be careful.
I haven't checked my phone while I was with Nathan. Guess I had a fun time around him, didn't feel the need to scroll around or text someone else. That's a good sign. But is it? I know the way to my room by now and once I'm in there I open my lockscreen. I've got a few new messages.Hazel: tell me EVERYTHING once you're back in your room
Hazel: is it going good? or is he kidnapping u?Giacomo: there's a party tomorrow. contestants and invited guests. wanna go?
Papà: Ci mancate.
I answer Hazel first, obviously. I tell her that I didn't get kidnapped and text her a quick overview of what Nathan and I did on the date. I would call her later or tomorrow. Next, I answer my Papà. We miss you. I miss them, too. I send him a selfie and a few hearts. The house must feel empty and quiet since Giacomo takes me with him on his competitions all around America. I'm sure they're happy for the both of us but they're also glad once we visit them again.
Lastly, I answer my brother. A party tomorrow. Sounds like a place where a mechanical bull would be. Was that what Nathan talked about? That means he'll be there. Yeah, I could go to one more party here. What's the worst that could happen? I put my phone down and get dressed into my pyjamas. They're rather comfortable and cute, not hot or sexy. Comfort over looks. Most of the time. It's dark and the only things brightening the room are the streetlights right at the entrance. It's cozy. I make myself comfortable under the blanket and get to my phone again. And as if I would have a sixth sense, Hazel is calling right away. She's creepy sometimes.
"How's my favourite girl doing?" she asks and just as I was about to answer her question, she speaks up again. "Do I even have to ask? But girl, you gotta tell me everything! What did you do exaclty? Was he actually that nice? I see a smile, so he was? But, you know, there are two types of nice. Boy friend-nice and boyfriend-nice-"
I smile to my phonescreen, listening to Hazel explaining the difference between those two types of being nice and, very important according to her, the difference between best friend material and husband material. Apparently, there are few men who have said husband material.
"He's a goddamn bull rider, I mean..." she wiggles with her eyebrows. "I mean..." she does it again. „No, Hazel, I mean he is-" I sigh as she interrupts me. She's way more excited than me. "Hell yeah he is! I read the text you send me about ten times. But Annie, I need more details. More." She wouldn't be my best friend if I didn't tell her. I mean, she needs to know. She needs to judge.
So we go over the details of the date. Multiple times.I think I fell asleep during the call last night. Beams of sunshine take over the room and my eyes need a few seconds to re-adjust to the brightness. I sit upright and look around. Well, what have I expect? I am in my room, safe and sound. And my phone? Looking around I ... can't find it. Shoot. Not the night stand, not the other night stand. Not on the floor, under my bed or anywhere I could reach without standing up. I need a few minutes on my phone before standing up. Habit of mine. And then- under my pillow. Phew. Finally. I tap on its screen but nothing happens. Battery's dead. Of course. That's what I get when giving in to Hazels nosy questions. I love her nonetheless. Good thing I have the charger right in the night stand. I pull it out and plug it in. Just a few seconds of waiting and it is alive. I look at the time. 1pm. Not too bad, I guess. It's not competition day, I basically have a day off. Then all the messages roll in. All of them.
"You actually thought you could go out with THE Nathan Moore without paparazzi noticing? Annie, please" I hear Hazels sweet voice out of my phone while I get ready for the day. I sigh loudly and shake my head. What have I done? "you don't get it, the internet is overflowing-"
"Trust me, I get it. I've already read half of it"
Well, she's Hazel. Of course she has.
"You know, maybe this isn't as bad as you think" I can basically hear her smirk through my phone. And I don't know if I want to keep on talking to her right now. She might drive me insane.
"No, no. The fact that the whole world thinks I'm dating Nathan Moore isn't bad- have you tried listening to yourself, Hazel?" And I'm being honest with the both of us here. She is delusional.
"calm down for a second. First of all, it would be the US at most because I doubt that the whole freaking world enjoys watching stinky but fairly hot cowboys riding some bulls." she has a point there. "Secondly, your name isn't even mentioned there. There is a blurry photo of the both of you sitting on a park bench in some small town near where you actually are. Nathan could deny it and the whole thing would be forgotten"
She has another point there and I can't help but smile. No one knows that it's me in the pictures. No one knows. But-Someone is knocking at my room door. But the louder it gets the more I think this someone is beating the door.
"Francesca, apri questa cazzo di porta!"
Not my first Rodeo [cowboy romance]
RomanceFrancesca Ricci follows her famous brother around America, watching him win those bullriding championships. She's ready to fall in love, but with her brother's rival? Really? Nathan Moore is one hell of a cowboy. Charming, funny and ambitious. He ge...