Tara's pov

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The only thing that got me through the day was the thought of scarlets lips on mine I hate how she just left me ugggggg it makes me so frustrated she makes me so frustrated anyway its night time now we didn't do much today we just ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner and between that we played game like sharades and stuff I spent most of my day stairjng at scarlet I can't believe john I think she would have had sex with me if he didn't enterupt
What the hell is wrong with you that's his girlfriend for crying out loud and he's one of your best friends and he's the nicest guy ever how could you do this to him
I thought to myself....I guess
Wooooow thanks for making me feel like shit
Your welcome
OK then I'm laying in my tent hearing loud snoring from john and scarlets tent I start to get out of my tent to tell john to shut the hell up then I here a twig snap and I know it wasn't me so I go out to investigate I look around but I see nothing then I look closer to the bushed and she a set of glowing yellow eye the eyes start to get closer i can't move at all I can't even speak the creature comes out of the shadow and I realize what it is... It's a wolf the wolf sniffs me then I guess he got scared or something so he growls and scratches my arm I wince in pain loud enough that someone could hear me I see scarlet come out of the tent and she sneaks behind the wolf I don't think she ment to but he growled again and scratched scarlet on her cheek and a little on her leg she screamed louder that I could so John and rose both came rushing out of their tents me and scarlet were both on the ground wincing in pain rose grabbed the healing kit and put goze on our wounds we slepped in the same tent that night but we couldn't sleep so we started talking
"Tara can you sleep" I herd scarlet say my back was faced to her so she didn't know
"No I can't"
"Are you OK"
"Yes surprisingly are you ok" I asked
"Yeah it actually doesn't hurt that bad anymore wanna see what it looks like" scarlet asked
"Sure I guess" I said removing my bandage I looked up at scarlet with shock
"There's only a scar here this it exactly where it scratched me tho" I said
"We'll deal with this tomorrow right now we really need to get some sleep" she said as she snuggled into me
"Don't you think we should tell rose" I ask scared of what was happening to me
"Ugggggg fine" she said I got up and got out of the tent she followed we called rose from the out side of her tent she didn't answer so we thought she was sleeping we unziped the tent and we couldn't believe what we saw rose was levatating with her legs crossed Indian style like she was meditating in the air I only thought of one word
"ROSE!!" I yelled at her her eyes poped open and she fell to the ground
"Rose how did you do that" scarlet said
"No guys its not what you think I wasnt-" she tried to explain but I cut her off
"Its OK rose" I said
"You guys don't think I'm a freak" she said in a worried tone
"We've always thought you were a freak but in a good way this doesn't change anytging" I said
"There's something we need to show you" scarlet said
"Yeah look" I said taking off my bandage and showing her the scar scarlet did the same she gasped
"Oh my god" she said freaking out
"Tara I know you know what's happening u can feel it" I looked at scarlet and sighed
"We're werewolves

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