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"OK we should do the memory spell" I said to rose
" she could also lose memories if this back fires she might forget about those guys and we won't get any info on them" rose said
"We should take the risk" I said
" powers and emotions tied a girls heart is where it hides help her through her agony bless her with her memory" rose said then i continued to asked her questions
"What's your name" I asked
"Kat Reynolds" she said
" Reynolds that's my last name. Who are your parents?" rose asked
" Kate and carter Reynolds but they dies in a car crash why?" Kat asked and then rose gave her a hug
" I remember everything now" rose whispered
"What is it rose" I asked
"She's my sister" rose said
"I remember now I was soppose to protect you so people wouldn't take you because you were a hybrid but I didn't do it well enough and someone took you in the middle of the night I was so guilty for letting it happen my parents had to erase you from my memory" rose said tears welling up in her eyes
"Who were those guys" I asked
"They were the ones who took me from my room they beat me and burned me to make me follow the rules they taught me to hate supernatural creature and they still haven't figure out Im a white lighter" she said
"How long have you been with them" I asked
"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you Kat" just then rose started screaming. She was having another vision.
"No no! This can't happen no! Not to her not after all the hell you put her through... Or in her case about to put her thought you can't do this! What about the vision I had she can't die now Noooo!" She screamed at someone holding her head with her eyes closed maybe this wasn't a vision her eyes opened quickly then as soon as I thought things would be quiet... screaching
"Piper who is it" and before she could answer blood got on my shirt and piper fell to the ground and gunsmoke was in the air I went down with her
"Taylor!" I yelled but she never came
"T-tara its no use s-she knows what's h-happening she wouldn't risk it u-unless it was her w-witch at r-risk" she studdered holding the bullet wound in her stomach
"Piper" I whispered and started crying
"I love you" she whispered then her eyes closed, she stopped breathing, and her heart stopped beating
Then went off another gunshot and I need a thump as someone else fell to the floor
"Wren! No!" I said making me cry harder
"Tara come on we need to go its not safe here" rose said
"B-but I can't j-just leave them" I cryed
"I'm sorry but you have to....their gone"
"Another bellet came through the window and missed rose and Kat both by an inch
"Come on!!" Rose yelled at me
"I can't! I can't leave her! I won't leave her" I said and I froze time
"What am I going to do there's insane people at my house and my girlfriends dead and so is one of my best friends. WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME! WHY DID YOU GIVE ME POWERS TO FREEZE TIME INSTEAD OF GIVING ME THE POWER TO REWIND IT!" I yelled then one of the elders came down
" Tara calm down this was for the best. Everything happens for a reason remember" he said
"Why? What's the reason? You killed my girlfriend and one of my best friends" I said getting angry
" Tara its OK what you need to worry about righ now is getting rose and Kat out of here" he said and I started to cry
"What am I suppose to do" I said crying
"You'll figure it out it just takes time but I want you to know we can see what you guys do in the future its amazing but you have to be there for it its going to take time to heal but don't let it take too long" he said
I say anything I just stopped crying he left and time started again
"Let's go" I said getting them out we ran to scarlets house she was sitting in her room
"What the hell happened to you guys" she asked rose told her what happened and I sat there with no emotions what so ever I just felt so empty like I was non-exsistant like a ghost like I didn't matter so what if I'm hurting that why they invited... that's right you guest it! Alcohol. After rose finished talking I left without a word and I went to the closest LGBT bar. I could find and I sat down I think I recognize the bar tender. Your probably thinking how I got in well me and rose got fake ID's for emergensys only..... Don't judge me my girlfriend just died and so did one of my best friend I need this
"Do I know you" I asked the bar tender
"I think so..... Oh yeah I saw you at the coffee shop down the street I work there in the day time"
"Oh yeah hi again" I said than a girl sat down by me
"Can I buy you a drink" she asked she bought be a few drinks and we talked and then I woke up in someone elses bed with the girl and guess what....... We were naked

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