20- Into the Ice

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The cold wind nipped at Paige's cheeks as she and Emma walked down the snow-covered path toward the local ice rink. The rink was nestled in a small park, surrounded by trees dusted in white, and the air was filled with the sound of children laughing and the occasional scrape of skates against ice. Paige couldn't help but smile as she looked around, the familiar scene bringing back memories of her childhood winters in Minnesota.

She glanced over at Emma, who was bundled up in a thick scarf and wool hat, her breath fogging up the air as she exhaled. There was a lightness in Emma's step, a playful energy that Paige had come to love. Despite the cold, Emma seemed excited, her eyes bright with anticipation.

"I haven't been ice skating in years," Emma said, laughing as they approached the rink. "I'm probably going to be terrible at it."

Paige grinned, nudging Emma's arm with her elbow. "Trust me, I'm the one who's going to be terrible," she said. "I'm great on the court, but put me on skates, and I'm like a baby deer trying to walk for the first time."

Emma laughed, her breath coming out in small puffs of white in the chilly air. "Somehow, I doubt that," she said. "You're an athlete. You'll probably pick it up in no time."

Paige shot her a teasing look. "Yeah, well, I guess we'll find out."

They reached the entrance to the rink, where a small wooden shack offered skate rentals. Paige paid for their skates, and within a few minutes, they were sitting on a bench, lacing up their boots. Paige glanced over at Emma, who was concentrating on tying her laces, her nose slightly red from the cold.

"You ready for this?" Paige asked with a grin, her voice playful.

Emma glanced up at her, her smile teasing. "Ready as I'll ever be," she said. "Just try not to fall too much, okay?"

Paige laughed, though she knew deep down that falling was pretty much a guarantee. She stood up, wobbling slightly as she adjusted to the feel of the skates beneath her. "No promises," she said, holding out her hand to Emma. "Come on, let's go make fools of ourselves."

Emma took her hand, standing up a bit more gracefully than Paige had. They walked carefully toward the ice, their steps cautious as they navigated the frozen ground. Once they reached the rink, Paige took a deep breath, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Here goes nothing," Paige said, stepping onto the ice with a slight wobble.

Emma followed suit, gliding onto the ice with a little more ease than Paige. For a few moments, they simply stood there, testing their balance, their hands still clasped tightly together.

"Not so bad," Emma said, her voice filled with quiet confidence.

Paige laughed, shaking her head. "Speak for yourself," she said, her legs already feeling shaky as she tried to find her footing. "I'm definitely going to eat it at some point."

Emma grinned, squeezing Paige's hand. "Well, if you do, I'll be right there to help you up," she said.

They started to skate slowly around the rink, the cool air brushing past their faces. Paige wobbled a bit, her arms flailing slightly as she tried to maintain her balance, but Emma stayed steady, holding her hand and guiding her along. Despite the initial awkwardness, Paige couldn't help but laugh. There was something freeing about letting go and allowing herself to be a little unsteady, especially with Emma by her side.

After a few laps, Paige began to get the hang of it—sort of. She was still a little unsteady, but at least she wasn't falling every few seconds. "Okay," Paige said, her voice full of mock seriousness. "I think I'm getting better at this. Watch out, Emma. I might become a pro."

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