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Description: Y/n West son of the Famed Survivor of the Wilamet and Fortune City Zombie destarsters Frank West is an aspiring Photographer for his school Newspaper even dating the cheer captain Juliet Starling a strange girl with a taste for lollipops. Everything is going great in his life well that is until Juliet's birthday where he forgot to get her a present so is in a rush to find her one... oh and a new Zombie apocalypse that really puts the his dads training to the test but that's nothing he needs to find his girlfriend a present and quick as he's about to meet her family and her Chainsaw... Wait what?

A/n: So yeah following the story of Lollipop Chainsaw but replacing the Head of Nick with a reader swinging for the fences and taking pictures while doing it while being teemed up with the Games protagonist Juliet who will be the Love interest of it wasn't obvious enough.. oh and for who Y/n's mother is it should be obvious for those who got the true ending to Dead Rising 2: Of the record and is also the only reason of why this story needs to take place in this version of the timeline

Lollipop Rising (Son of Frank West reader x Lollipop Chainsaw)Where stories live. Discover now