Chapter 1: Start of a Zombie Apocalypse

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it's a regular day for Y/n West or at lest it would be if on the way to school he'd be taking the bus like a normal person but instead he's swinging his baseball bat through Zombie Skulls as they block his path 

Y/n: Now is not the day you dead fucks! 

after he's done with the group he was fighting he looks toward the park he told Juliet to meet him at as he pulls out the present from his back pack a small white box with red ribbins.

Y/n: good it wasn't damaged in the fight 

He pops it back into his backpack as he makes his way foward bashing his way though each of the Zombies in his path before spotting a person in danger as he sighs rushing over before he beat all the Zombies to death with his bat 

Student: thanks Y/n

Y/n: No problem, you haven't seen Juliet have you? 

The student shakes his head as a rescue copter arrives and lowers a boyie that the student gets into 

Pilot(On a Speaker): Thanks kid, with you and that girl with the chainsaw these Zombies don't stand a chance 

Y/n(whisper): Girl with a chainsaw? I wonder who that could be?

Pilot(Speaker): If you see if you can help anyone els! 

Y/n: Will do!

The Rescue Copter then flys away while Y/n continues on smashing and bashing his way through more of the Zombies on his way to the park before being stopped by much bigger Zombies making him eye them before looking to his bat

Y/n: Might be a good idea to come up with something els to handle them other them my spiked bat *he then looks to the side finding a pair of Boxing gloves and a bowie knife* Well that's convenient

He then grabs both and smirks to himself happy that his dad mad him do portable shop class as he puts the pair together making 

He then grabs both and smirks to himself happy that his dad mad him do portable shop class as he puts the pair together making 

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Y/n: *Whistels* Fantastic 

He then leaps foward after equiping the gloves slashing his way through the Zombies and arriving just outside the park to find it overrun with Zombies 

Y/n: No, JULIET! 

Y/n jumps his way over the fence smashing and Slashing his way thorugh the bags of bones none of which even thankfuly resemble Juliet but his ears peak up when he hears a chainsaw and looks over to see the gate being sawn though by a bedazeled Chainsaw being used by Juliet as he eyes widen seeing her 

Y/n: Juliet? 

Juliet sees Y/n making her smile from ear to ear not having noticed the blood or his knife gloves / Spiked Bat

Juliet: Y/n! 

but a Zombie uses thy're suprise to grab and bite Y/n making him grunt in pain as he shoves it off before Juliet comes in shoving her chainsaw through the Zombie giving it a biesection before she goes to check on Y/n who seems to be duct taping the wound before looking to her with a slightly confused looking seeing the chainsaw but drops it when he sees the worry on her face as well as the tears threatening to leave her eyes 

Y/n: Woah Julies are you okay 

Juliet: Yes I- are you? 

Y/n: Ignoring the bite and a brusie here and there, perfect beautiful 

Juliet: Oh no. it can't be--

Y/n: what's wrong 

Juliet: You're going to become a Zombie if I don't do something 

Y/n: What? No I'm gonna be fine

Juliet: But your bit

Y/n: Yeah I know it's fine I'm immune to the virus 

Juliet looks to Y/n extremaly confused as he notices the hoard of approuching Zombies 

Y/n: Look we need to go, if you have questions they can wait untill we're safe and sound, I sure know I have questions like my first one *Juliet looks slightly more confused* Are you ready to fight our way out of here

Juliet beams with a smile nodding to Y/n as they both look to the group of approuching Zombies readying they're weapons before we fade to black ending the chapter


A/n: And that was the prlouge, I know it's short but this was the totorial level and the next one is too long for me to put part of it into a single chapter and we'll get a far larger chapter next time which is shortly as I plan to start writing it as soon as this is published 

Lollipop Rising (Son of Frank West reader x Lollipop Chainsaw)Where stories live. Discover now