Chapter 2: School still Sucks even with the Zombies to kill

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We open up with the pair in a class room in the school breathing heavily as they sit back to back chainsaw sat next to Spiked bat which Y/n glances too

Y/n: Neat Chainsaw, how'd you get it?

Juliet: My dad got it made for me when I  became a hunter, how are you immune?

Y/n: My Dad was bit during the Willamet incident and took so much of the represent that when he slept with my mom and she had me I had so much in my system that I became immune to the virus, What were you going to do if I wasn't immune?

Juliet: Cut off your head and preforme a ritural that would have let you be alive still

Y/n: Huh

Juliet: Yeah

Y/n: And how do you know how to do that?

Juliet: Um well uh, My sensei taught me, how do you know how to make *nods to the spiked bat* that?

Y/n: My dad taught me, made me go to a portable shop class so I didn't have to find a matanence room to do it, what's a hunter?

Juliet: we're a goup of people that hunt monsters

Y/n: Cool, so not just Zombies

Juliet: Nope *after a moment of slience* Do you think I'm weird?

Y/n: *Sits up shocked* What? *turns to look at her* No I could never think that

Juliet: *lets out a small smile as she turns to him* Thanks 

Y/n: Anytime beautiful

Juliet gives him a peck on the lips making both of them blush as they stand up 

Y/n: well, um we can't just sit around and do nothing, got a plan?

Juliet: we could find my sensei he could tell us what we need to do to stop all this

Y/n: Sure that works for me let's go find your teacher


Y/n: Well I-

Juliet: Waa Sugoi! Watashi mo Nihoongo wo hanashi masu. 

Y/n: I can't speak Japanese, Juliet. I just know a few words

Juliet: Aww! Your simple innocence is one of the most attractive things about you

Y/n: Uh, Yeah sure, Jules

the pair exit to the hallway to find it over run with Zombies and back back into the class room they were in

Y/n: So what's the plan with bash and slash our way through the Zed's

Juliet: Yeah that works for me

Y/n nods as the pair smile to eachother before exiting the class room weilding there weapons of choice and start to slash and bash they way through the zed's before a part of the hallways roof explodes causing a block in there path

Y/n: What caused that explosion, you're sensei?

Juliet: No he uses knifes, I have no idea what did that

The pair shurg to eachother entering a nearbye class room as it had an exit past the debrie through the other door only to find the Zombies seemingly sat in a class for Self Destruction making Y/n and Juliet slighlty confused as the Zombie turns around reviling the pair's math teacher

Juliet: Hey, it's Mr. Fitzgibbon!

Mr. Fitzgibbon(Zombified): I'm Fitzgibbon, bitch!

All the Zombie Students stand up facing the pair

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16 ⏰

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