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THE TWO HADN'T SAID A WORD TO EACH OTHER THE WHOLE TIME, they of course were apart of the conversations that their friends were having, but to each other they were silent, their thoughts louder than actions and words

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THE TWO HADN'T SAID A WORD TO EACH OTHER THE WHOLE TIME, they of course were apart of the conversations that their friends were having, but to each other they were silent, their thoughts louder than actions and words. it hurt jobe to ignore the girl, yet he didn't know what else to do, what she expected him to do. he knew it was so wrong for him to pour out his heart, have isa comfort him just to ignore her the next day but he couldn't help it, jobe had always shut people out when he didn't know what to do, he was always bad with communication. but for the first time, he wished he was better, all for his friend.

"hundred percent fucking trent, marrying cole, and killing jude" rico hesitates, having thought long and hard for the perfect answer. the group were playing an interesting game of fuck, marry, kill and they were really enjoying it, especially rico. "you're killing jude? he's so fit" layla gasps as she put a hand on her chest, questioning the boy. "hey!" rico complains, his eyebrows scrunching together as his lips form into the shape of a straight line, causing layla to giggle. "you're fitter don't worry" the girl smirks, patting his shoulder which leaves rico an anxious mess, his eyes widened while his jaw slightly dropped at the sudden boldness, obviously not complaining at all. "oh uh" rico stutters, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment as it felt like no words were coming out of his mouth, causing everyone else to chuckle.

"i'm raising the price" kobbie leans over slightly towards bella, reminding her of the bet they formed a week ago that isa was very much against, but she had bigger things to think about than a stupid bet, so she for once, didn't interfere. "no fair, i'm obviously gonna lose" bella nudges the boy in annoyance, regretting accepting the bet after seeing the flirty tension between the two somehow grow even bigger. "hey you accepted it" kobbie shrugs as bella rolls her eyes, hating how she had nothing to say back, because he was right, she did accept it. "i hate when isa's right" bella groans, burying her face in her hands as she earns a small giggle from isa. "isa its your turn, and i have the perfect one" layla grins, rubbing her hands together which isa knew meant that it wasn't going to be good.

"jobe, rico and kobbie" layla wiggles her eyebrows as the rest of them either smirk or laugh at the girls sentence. isa's first instinct was to cringe at the names mentioned, scrunching her face in disgust as rico and kobbie gasp, acting as if they were actually silent while jobe did nothing but look up at the girl, waiting for her response. "you'd be lucky." rico crossed his arms while he shakes his head, kobbie aggressively nodding, causing isa to roll her eyes. "ew shut up" isa fake gags, her face cringing once again at the sentence said by her friend as both bella and layla laugh. "hurry up! answer it" laya pressures her, eager to know who she'd pick as if isa was going to actually answer her question. "i'd kill all three" a huge grin appears on the girls face before sticking her tongue out at the two boys in front of her who just turned their heads and fake pouted.

"jobe she just said she'd kill you mate" kobbie puts his hands out, surprised the boy hadn't given her one of his comebacks like he normally would. jobe had never been like this before, so unhappy and tired to do anything and he didn't know how to fix it. football, the one that made him happiest the most before, didn't even help now. the media, the comparison, everyone constantly doubting him made him hate the sport he spent he years playing. that message he received a week ago constantly haunted him, he read it over and over again to the point he could see it in his sleep. "oh right" the footballer murmurs, playing with his bracelet as his hand rested on his leg. isa shared a confused look with the rest of her friends as bella and kobbie shrugged at the same time, causing their hands to slightly touch and both of them to move it away instantly in embarrassment.

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄, 𝘫𝘰𝘣𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘢𝘮Where stories live. Discover now