006, 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐔𝐒

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"THANK YOU!" JOBE SMILES AT THE CASHIER AS HE GRABS THE TWO MILKSHAKES FROM THE COUNTER before making his way over to isa, who was patiently waiting by the door, busy on her phone

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"THANK YOU!" JOBE SMILES AT THE CASHIER AS HE GRABS THE TWO MILKSHAKES FROM THE COUNTER before making his way over to isa, who was patiently waiting by the door, busy on her phone. "chocolate, your favourite" the young boy smiles as he hands over the drink to isa before taking a sip of his own, groaning in approval. "aw you remembered" isa puts her phone in her pocket before grabbing the drink from the footballers hand, nudging his arm before doing so. this was the first time in a while that they were hanging out without the rest of the group and they both couldn't help but prefer it just being them two. "the jobe bellingham remembers what flavour milkshake i like" isa teases him, wiggling her eyebrows as the boy rolled his eyes at the girl's excitement over nothing. "why is that a surprise? i remember things" jobe justifies himself in between sips of his drink, going through it faster than isa was.

football practice was cancelled today for the city players, so isa took this opportunity to spend some alone time with jobe. she was the only one that jobe opened up to, so the girl thought he would've felt more comfortable with just her. the footballer had started feeling much better after he told her, it had felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders as isa had done everything she could to make sure jobe was distracted. isa had made jobe feel like he had a purpose, not just in football, but in everything. she had been such a good friend to him, always checking up on him, making sure he wasn't alone and the boy appreciated it a lot, even though he couldn't always say how he felt, isa knew him, she didn't need to hear the words come out of his mouth, she just knew. "you forgot ricos birthday, at his own party!" isa laughs before the two take a seat on a bench, overlooking the crowded roads.

"rico's just irrelevant to me" jobe shakes his head before turning to look at isa, who was licking the whipped cream on her milkshake before turning to look back at jobe, smiling. "what?" the girl nervously replies, putting a few strands of her hair behind her ears. "you have something, on your cheek" the footballer points at the little bit of cream that was on the girls nose. "where?" isa scrunches her eyebrows together before rubbing every bit of her cheek except the part she needed to. jobe chuckles at the sight before leaning over and wiping it away, his hands still rubbing her cheek for a few seconds before he pulls it away, putting it in his pocket. "thanks" isa stutters, smiling at the boys touch as her eyes fall into her lap while jobes eyes fall to his.

the two didn't know exactly what to do, when isa had called jobe in the morning, asking if he wanted to do something together, the boy agreed immediately without thinking about it. which had meant, they had made no plans and like rico always says, were just going with the flow. after they had finished their milkshakes, they had decided to walk around the streets of manchester, making jokes over what other pedestrians were wearing or pushing each other into different shops in order to be funny.  "i hate you" isa giggles before having her walk of shame out of a quiet shop after jobe had pushed her in. "you could never hate me" jobe smirks, squeezing the girls cheeks before putting an arm over her shoulder, causing her to roll her eyes. "why would you call me and ask to hangout if you had no clue what to do" jobe questions as the two looked around the busy streets, eager to find something to do to cure their boredom.

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄, 𝘫𝘰𝘣𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘢𝘮Where stories live. Discover now