The Contract

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In the stadium seats watching the greatest baseball team in history the Savannah Banana's. Sky is hoping that her brother Dalton Mauldin will hit a homerun. Next thing you know 2 strikes later. A lucky ball gets thrown and her brother hits it and makes a home run! She stands up screaming and cheers her brother on. Sky says to herself " I so wish that i can be on that team. They are so amazing." She says to herself.

After the game she always meets her brother and his team at the entrance and sign autographs. Later after the game the team owner Jesse Cole says he is looking for a girl around the age of 15-25 to be on the team since the other girl left to be on the other team called the Party Animals.

 Jesse says " Well we are going to have tryouts tomorrow 5 hours before the actually game starts." 

Jackson Olson says " Have sky try out. I saw her play softball before. She is amazing good at it."

Sky" Um... yes i would love to if it is ok with Jesse"

Jesse" Yes it is fine with me"

Dalton ( her brother ) " Yes it would be so much fun to have her on the team coach."

On the way home from the game Sky thinks to herself " On the Savannah Banana's will be so good. I hope I get on the team". 

Sky" Do i have everything for the tryout. Hell i am so nervous." 

Dalton" Don't be. I mean i was but you shouldn't be. You will do great." 

When they arrive to the field there are 10 girls who showed up. The first 5 go and didn't get picked. They were to busy day dreaming of Jackson Olson. 5 girls later it is Sky's turn.

Jesse" next up we have Dalton's sister named Sky "

Sky" I feel like i will throw up."

Jackson" Go Sky, Go Sky-"

Sky " Stop you are making me more nervous".

Sky steps up to the plate and didn't hit  a strike once. One the last pitch she bats one strike. They had her try out in the field and catch every ball bated.

Jesse" Well i think we found our girl. Sky Mauldin. Meet me in my office right before the game and you will sign a 5 year contract.

Dalton" YES YES YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!." 

Later in the office Sky sign's a thousand papers and finally after 1,565 papers the signing is finally done and............ 

Jesse" Well you will play in 2 weeks".

Sky" Why not next game"

Jesse" Because you need practice"

Sky" Ok"

                                                                            FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SHE WILL PLAY IN THE 1ST GAME




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