Chapter Three: To the End: Part 3

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The cold was almost unbearable as it knifed their skin, but some warmth could be salvaged amongst the crowds. Aliya, Jagan, and Harith spent several minutes striving to get closer to the front, moving through the rippling bodies.

'Aliya,' Malik said, gripping her arm, 'look, it's Sitara.' Three quarters of the way through the masses, it became impossible to progress further but they managed to reach Sitara.

'Aliya? Vindex, look at your bruises,' she exclaimed when she saw them, 'I've got some too.' She glanced at Jagan and Harith and a shadow of what seemed like sorrow fell over her face. Jagan saw her expression and then craned his neck over the crowds for the first time, straining to see, the noise and unrest rising like the billowing clouds of a dust storm. But before any of them could make out the silhouettes, blinding light split the darkness, fierce spotlights illuminating the scene in an eerie brightness.

Thousands of Enforcers surrounded the roiling mass of slaves, increasing in number nearer the front where there was a long, thin platform raised from the rock. And suddenly, stepping out in front of the many thousands, was the Brigadier.

He moved to the centre, flanked by two Commandants before activating an interactive list from his silver palm. It shimmered in the darkness and his breath carved frightening masks into the freezing air. One of the Commandants stepped forwards, handing the Brigadier a coiled headset, which he fastened in front of his mouth.

Aliya blinked against the light, shapes emerging on the platform. Twenty-three silver contraptions stood behind the Brigadier like a line of metal insects. He moved forwards and a screaming alarm surged through the night, ceasing abruptly seconds after it had started.

The writhing crowds were plunged into silence.

'This hour marks the end of a disease,' the Brigadier bellowed, his voice charging through the night, projected by the hidden amplifiers, 'a contagious infection. As your protectors, we will purge you of this disease. To fully neutralise it, the sources must be destroyed ... Any slave that attempts to sabotage the purging will be immediately executed. There will be no resistance.'

He raised the electronic list before him and there was movement to the left of the platform, Enforcers rippling, pulses of red.

'Rochan Khanda,' he yelled.

A small figure was shoved onto the platform. She seemed dwarfed by the endless ocean of onlookers as she began the long walk to the furthest metal contraption. She turned and stood in front of it, motionless, staring beyond the heads of all the thousands of eyes fixed on her to the horizon. The last fingers of molten gold released their grip on the dark, slithering behind Nex Ridge, and the only light left was the harsh, merciless glow of the spotlights.

The woman was visibly shivering.

'Mirza Devar,' the Brigadier yelled again.

Another figure mounted the platform, walking slowly to the second contraption. He clasped his hands and closed his eyes, lowering his head.

'Neel Menon.'

A third figure, but this time a boy of barely fifteen. The Brigadier roared out name after name as the crowds stirred in fear and anger. Aliya watched in horror as a slave was forced in front of each contraption on the platform. As the eighteenth was called, she felt Jagan stiffen, their arms pressed together.


Kuval appeared from the ranks of red, so far away, and yet suddenly so close. He paused for a second when he reached the top of the stairs, searching the crowds, as though looking for his sons, face drawn and haggard. Harith threw a hand into the air, not waving it, just holding it steady. His father saw the flicker of movement and his eyes locked on to them. An Enforcer rammed him in the back with the barrel of his plasma rifle and he began walking again, stopping in front of the eighteenth contraption and turning to the sea of faces. His body was slightly angled though, pulled by some unseen force towards Jagan and Harith. He kept his eyes resting on them.

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