Crystal Camp: Action. Day 17.
*Shaun is looking at the mirror in The Kirkins trailer*
Shaun Cooper: Oh my god, I'm hot, stud-like, sexy!
Jordan Kirkhom: Oh yes you are!
Jayden Rera: Yo what?
Jordan Kirkhom: *chuckling nervously* I was just joking!
Jordan Kirkhom: *confessional* I wasn't joking..
*Vlad gives Farrah a flower*
Vladimier Hornsby: *bows down* Here you go, Ms. Tompkins.
Farrah Tompkins: *fans herself* Thanks, but why are you bowing down?
*Vladimier stands up*
Vladimier Hornsby: I don't know.. *chuckles*
*Vlad walks away and Farrah giggles uncontrollably*
Farrah Tompkins: *confessional* He's so cute and goofy!
*Tashawna is texting her AI boyfriend, June*
June: Tashawna, you will rule the world!
Tashawna Kelly: I know!
*Chann is doing some Geometry*
Jayden Rera: Yo, Chann. You good bro?
Jayden Rera: Yo what's that?
Chann Chang: Oh, you're one of those slow people that have Pre-Algebra!
Jayden Rera: HEY! I'm fast!
*Dwayne walks in as Mr. Crystal grabs his ear*
Mr. Crystal: Hello! Dwayne has to something to say.
Dwayne: *whispers to Mr. Crystal* Do I have to?
*Mr. Crystal hits Dwayne with a newspaper*
Mr. Crystal: Bad sidekick! BAD!
Dwayne: *sighs* I'm sorry for throwing sleep grenades at you guys and making you do deadly challenges.
Farrah Tompkins: *sarcastically* Yeah, because we totally didn't have to deal with that before!
Mr. Crystal: Now make it to the film plaza for your challenge!
*flim plaza. There is alot of the parkour*
Vladimier Hornsby: Why does the plaza look like a level of Subway Surfers
*Dwayne Flys over with an Owl costume*
Dwayne: I AM OWLLA!
Mr. Crystal: hehe! I made him wear that! Your challenge is to make your superhero costumes and think of your powers. I will judge them!
Tashawna Kelly: This will be easy!
Jayden Rera: SHUT UP PLEASE!
Farrah Tompkins: Well I'm ready!
*There is a whole montage of everyone making their costumes*
Mr. Crystal: Oooh! You guys seemed to be working hard!
Shaun Cooper: Sweat... on my face from dreads.
Jayden Rera: Shaun, have you ever sweat before?
Shaun Cooper: Don't bring back flashbacks!
Jayden Rera: *backs away* Okay..
Mr. Crystal: Okay, everyone! Make it to the stage!
Crystal Camp: Action
Teen Fiction14 contestants from Crystal Camp: Island compete to win the same million dollars! The difference is, every challenge is movie themed! who will take the win for this season? Stay tuned everyday to find out!