Lords Descend From Gods

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London, England 1422

I looked out the window and heard another heartbreaking sound ripping through the sky and sending chills down my body. It hasn't rained like this for days and every time lightning struck I felt the room shake. I always wondered if the sound of thunder cracking was the closest thing to the sound of a heart breaking.

"Tamina, honey, come down; they are ready for you," my mom's voice echoed through the hallway. I remained unmoving.

"Tamina, come down; they are ready for you." my mom's voice called louder this time and I sighed. I was trained for this since I was a little girl. My sister and I were taught how to be future slaves of the Michelson family; I just never thought I would be one, especially after what happened with my sister. To say my family is messed up is an understatement. I for example, don't even belong here. I have never belonged.

I took one last glance in the mirror trying to breathe, as the corset squeezed the life out of me...or maybe it was the nerves that were making it hard to breathe.

"This is a bad idea; you are as good as dead." I whispered to myself.

The Michelson's are the Kings, the Lords of all Lords. They don't just have England; they have France, Italy, Spain and Turkey. If you were to be afraid of anyone, I would say you'd be afraid of them, and not just because of how much power they have: it's so much more than that. Trust me...

"Are you coming or what?" Blake yelled making me jump a little in surprise.

I'm sure Blake just can't wait to get rid of me. Standing up, I wanted nothing more than to sit back down or even better, get rid of these clothes and get under my warm comfortable covers. Unfortunately I'm smart enough to know, that no matter how deep I dig myself into my warm and comfortable covers; I won't escape this. There is no way for me to escape this

My family is among the very few other families who have served the Michelson's through generations. It was only the women of the families who served. They always wanted women because the men are meant to protect the family and make sure to bring another future generation. Why the men couldn't be slaves and we, women make sure to bring a future generation was beyond me. After all, a child does grow inside us. I don't even belong to this family by pure blood, but still, here I am, walking down the stairs and making my way to hell.

"Don't get yourself killed." Blake sneered before walking past me and out the door. "Well goodbye to you too, brother." I said dryly just as my mother came around the corner.

My brother and I share as much love for each other, as the dark lord shares with the saint. My mom took a look at me before nodding approvingly.

"Yes you look ready, just remember stay low, don't bring HER up, and keep away from HIM. Out of the 5 Lords, we pray he won't be your Lord." my mother said as she went to stand in front of me, touching my braided hair to make sure every hair was in its place.

Her blue orbs met mine. Her own blond hair was in a high bun and her pale skin made her look almost angelic at times. We looked nothing like each other. For a good reason: we are nothing like each other, but at least she doesn't hate me like the rest of them.

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