Something Else

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London, England 1422

You know how sometimes when you are headed somewhere you really don't want to go but you are being forced to go, so your stomach keeps twisting, your heart keeps beating at this ridiculous rate, and you brain keeps screaming...Well that's happening to me right now. I don't want to be here. I don't want to follow a Vampire Lord. I don't want to be slaved to one, and I certainly do not want to be in a room alone with one.

We walked into a large bedroom which I assume belongs to my now Lord Harry. It was huge and nice, and to my surprise extremely clean. I don't know why but I had assumed it would look like a dungeon, with a girl chained to the ceiling, blood dripping from the walls, and a small closet where it could either be a torture chamber or an actual closet. There would be no signs as to which one it was though, just to keep you guessing.

Harry cleared his throat making me snap my attention back to him. His usually green eyes were dark, and his fists were clenched.

"A Salvatore." he snarled resulting in me taking a step back. 'Run Tamina, run' the voice in my head whispered to me. I have those sometimes...Voices. They like to scream useless things to me and make me say things when I should just shut my mouth. I guess we all have those inner voices. Some call them inner demons while others call their voice, the voice of reason. Well I personally think my voice of reason must have made a pretty good deal with a lady at a bar because I swear like a barbarian...and now I'm making no sense because I'm talking to myself, and my Lord is speaking to me and I have not yet heard a single word he's said.

"You are not even listening." he hissed as he placed his thumb and forefingers on the brick of his nose, making him look like a disappointed father. "I don't like you." he hissed again. I was sure he could hear my heart pound. 'I need to think. I need to assure him I won't be a threat. Please don't let me be killed on my first day' I mentally prayed. That is what I should have been thinking but of course, the only thing my stupid brain could actually think about was: 'what does he like? Blood? Girls? Food? Well blood and girls are food for him so... No! Focus...Don't die on your first day.'

"I know, I know. I will not be in your way my Lord; I will only do my duty." I hurried to say when I finally found my voice to speak. I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath before opening them again to look at him to see he stood quiet. This didn't help at all. If anything it scared me even more. He looked so deep in thought, so concentrated, like he was analyzing my every move which can't be good. None of this is good.

'Do something. Move. Say something.' I kept screaming at him in my head, as the silence kept cutting through my bones. After what felt like hours he just nodded and said, "Your room is right next door from mine." he pointed to the wall on his left.

I stood still just looking at him. That's it...? He is going to let this go, just like that...that easy? I will live? He kept looking at me before I realized I was actually staring at him like a creep. "Thank you my Lord." I finally said my voice shaky. I cursed myself. He doesn't need or deserve to know he makes my voice shake.

I slowly began walking out of the room and stood in front of my door. I took a deep breath before I opened the door and slowly walked in. My jaw dropped to the floor as it was nothing like I had expected. I assumed a wooden board to sleep on, a tiny bathroom/changing room and a small closet but this...A bed, an actual bed, and not the kind of bed I have at home with a dusty mattress and a sack of potatoes as a pillow (not a real sack of potatoes though). It was an actual four poster bed with clean sheets and actual soft pillows (or at least they look very soft). The bed sheets were not a dirty gray or a yellow white color, they were in a deep red and a midnight blue making almost actual tears spring to my eyes. In that moment I swear... I could have hugged him.

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