Please Don't Let It Be A Spider

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London, England 1422

Sometimes in life you are exactly where you want to be, and other times you are simply not. Have you ever felt the need to just disappear and stop existing? Have you ever mentally begged the devil to just open up the ground that you are standing on and just swallow you?

I allowed my eyes to scan the other girls. They were all very pretty with eyes that looked like they had been drawn by a famous painter. Their lips were tinted red looking almost glossy. Of course they were all pretty; who wouldn't want a pretty girl like that to be your personal servant? Unlike me though, the other girls didn't look like they were praying for the ground to swallow them up.

As we sat there waiting for someone to show up, my eyes caught with one of the girls and she sent me a weak smile before hurrying to look away. Her brown curls were picked up in a bun with a few strands of hair hung loose in the front. Her brown eyes were fixed on the staircase and for once, I didn't feel alone. She was afraid. She was just as afraid as I am.

My eyes wandered to the girl with dark skin and black straight hair which was in a braid hanging down her right shoulder. She seemed like nothing bothered her. Her almost black eyes looked around with indifference and the tone in her voice was casual while she talked to one of the other witches. The witch she was talking to was not much different. Her long black hair which she more than often tried to flip back out of her face, just to have it fall back in her face again, caused her to do an annoying click with her tongue as she talked. Her brown eyes had a certain joy to them like this was a castle and any second her prince would walk down the staircase, propose and make her the Queen. Analyzing the other girls gave me a certain peace.

We have been sitting here for a while now and during all that time the last witch, a mix of blonde and strawberry blonde hair, and blue eyes had been glaring at me. Her little angular face and her precise even cut hair framing her face made her look rather evil...Or maybe it was just the fact that she wouldn't stop glaring at me that made her look evil. Her cold blue emotionless eyes were piercing through mine, and with her head held high and her mouth open with a little pout told me that she and I will probably not be friends anytime in the nearest future. Not that I was here to make any.

Much more time had passed and by now everyone had gone quiet. I was starting to hope that maybe they would not come. That maybe they had all decided to disappear for a while, or maybe they decided they didn't need us after all and we would be sent home. However when an old lady with a long gray gown and hair in a bun came into the room, she made it her greatest mission to crush that hope. "The Lords will be arriving very soon ladies." she announced making my stomach turn. The girls started fixing their hair and I willed my hands not to do the same. I will not care how I look; I know I look decent that's all that matters.

I tried to count the time that went passed but had nothing to go by. When she said soon, I thought she meant a few minutes but we were left sitting there in silence for much longer than that. It was the sound of horses that made me almost jump up from my chair and out of my skin. "They're here." one of the girls whispered. I closed my eyes hoping this was a dream.

Calm down. Breathe Tamina, breathe. Don't let them sense your fear, just breathe.

I have seen enough paintings, drawings and sculptures to know any Lord, so when they walked in one by one, I knew their faces by heart. After all, it was part of our training to memorize all the Lords by name, face, appearance and everything that comes with it.

Lord Louis had a smile on his face while he laughed at something Lord Liam had just told him. I tried to fix my eyes to the ground, I really and truly did, but I couldn't. I simply could not look away once Lord Zayn entered. He was like a god's canvas of beauty. I had many times over the years had a discussion with my friends on how someone so evil can be so breathtakingly beautiful. Seeing him in person made my heart race and I hate to admit that it was more because of his looks then out of fear. That is every girl's greatest sin and horrible mistake. We tend to find something beautiful even in the biggest crap hole and there is just something extremely annoying when monsters like them, look nothing like monsters at all. Still, looking past the beauty I know there lays a dead and extremely cold organ inside that chest behind the ribcage, and it has been dead for years. Now only a heartless heartbeat remains.

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