Chapter 1

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Do you believe in fairy tales? Why not? Is it because it sounds ridiculous that there could really be dragons and mermaids. Or that it's stupid to think that tiny people with wings could be flying around sneakily without our knowledge. Some people believe in only what you see. I don't really know myself if I believe in them. I fancied them that's for sure. Maybe a little to much to.

It was just a simple morning. I dressed for school, ate some breakfast, and caught the bus. My usual routine.

My birthday was in a few days and I was turning my sweet 16. Scary how fast people grow up. I have this whole plan on how it's going to go. I've written it down in my little insane diary that I have hidden in the second drawer of my desk underneath a fake bottom. Why I call it my "insane diary" is because of it's contents. It was full of all my dreams and wishes and stories that were mostly fairy tales because I truly did love fairies and those kinds of things. I almost loved them more than food. Almost. Not quite though.

I hopped off the bus and walked over to my best friend in the whole wide school and we both walked over to our other friends who always sat in the same spot. Every single day.

"So...any good dreams last night?" Claire asked out of the blue.

Oh right. I forgot to mention that I have dreams. Every night. Whether they are good or bad. They always come. And surprising enough, they're mostly about this land I made in my mind called Almerath Kingdom. It's weird because it's as if I continue the dream the next night. I have journeys in my mind through this wonderful place.

There are monster and enemies that you have to defeat, yet I can never die. I can feel the pain though, which is probably the most downside these dreams get. There's always the same characters and they greet me as if I have known them for forever. It's so strange. Sometimes I don't wake up until later when I want to. I'm able to control the times I wake up at, but I lose track of time because for some reason time is different there. It's like when I sleep, I teleport to another place and then when I sleep over there I wake up back over here.

"This time I got to ride my own dragon! Can you believe it! It felt so realistic as I was soaring through the air on a dragon. I got to name him, too," I chirped like a little kid coming back from an amusement park.

"Well? What did you name him?" She asks these questions as if everything were real. She's the only person who thinks I'm sane. That's why I don't tell anyone about these kinds of things. She's the only one I can rely on with this kind of information.

"I think I named him Camroth or something like that," I thought hard. I don't always remember everything that happens.

"Camroth what? You have to give him a title like Camroth the Fierce, or the Great, the something!" She exclaimed excitedly.

She helps a lot with many things as if she knew what in the hell I was even talking about. Like she's actually been there before. I doubt she has though. I made it up.

"Hm. I like Camroth the Fierce. Nice one," I complimented. She smiled knowingly as the bell rang indicating class was starting.

I sat in my desk and gazed out the window. Then it hit me. How could I have forgotten about him! I met someone last night, I thought to myself. His name was Caspian or something. He was so handsome. I had met him at the same place and time as I was getting my first dragon. It was said that in there before you get your dragon you have to be turning 16 or already 16, how it knew I was turning 16 I have no idea.

It was literally love at first sight. We both stood there looking at each other, both our mentors standing next to us scoffing, for what felt like an eternity. Then my teacher snapped her fingers in front of my face giggling. She was literally fangirling next to me as if she knew what just happened.

"Aw. Did you meet the One," she teased.

"Shut up," I blushed madly. We had broken our staring contest and we both mounted our newly picked out dragons.

"Have fun and remember, you are both in control. You both have to be equal. If this isn't the dragon for you then fly off and get away quickly because then he may feel threatened to attack you," she warned. I hadn't been paying attention but I heard most of it. I was watching as the boy's mentor was giving him about the same speech but he had shifted his gaze towards me. I looked away embarrassed and focused on my dragon.

"Okay buddy. You ready?" I asked, not really expecting an answer.

He nodded his head and leaped off the cliff before I was even ready. I screamed as it fell face first down towards the ground. Right before we were about to face-plant into the dirt that was zooming towards us, the dragon made a large turn and we zoomed back into the sky. It seemed as if he was smirking and internally laughing at me. I then knew that this was the dragon for me.

"That was amazing," I sighed in relief of not dying.

"Wasn't it?! It's so much better when you have someone with you," a voice randomly spoke.

What the- "You just spoke!" I exclaimed in shock. "That's awesome!"

"Yah. Sorry, I forgot to mention that. Haha. Oh, but you are the only person who can hear me. I speak to you through my head, see? My lips aren't moving," I was just awestruck. My jaw was dangling open ready for some insect to purposefully fly into my mouth.

Then I looked to my left and there was that boy from before flying next to me with ice blue colored dragon. We looked like fire and ice as we spun around for a little while longer. We laughed and he introduced himself as Caspian.

I sighed dreamily as I continued to stare out my window seat.

Then as if my hearing was being drawn out of its silence as I heard the teacher say, "We have a new student class. Please meet Casper Berlock." The boy stepped into the classroom and my heart literally jumped up to my throat.

"No way," I muttered under my breath. Our eyes caught and he smirked.

Casper had the same bright green/blue eyes, black, wavy short hair, and the same breathtaking smile as Caspian. In fact, he was identical in every way accept his wings and pointy ears had gone.

I just sat there with my jaw wide open as he made his way over to the, coincidentally, open spot next to my seat. He sat down and gave me a wink before facing back towards the teacher.

What in the world!?

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