Chapter 2

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For the rest of the day I tried so hard to ignore the fact that both Caspian and the new student, Casper, looked identical. From the black fringe on his head to the deep dimples on his cheeks. His body structure was heavily built. His eyes were hazel with a splash of blue here and there. His jawline almost cut my eyes just looking at it. Then I realized as I was explaining Caspian, I had also been checking out Casper and it also turns out that he has all of those features. This just couldn't be real.

He stood in the other side of the gym with a crowd of people as if he had been here for years. He was the most popular kid at school other than the "prince" that looks like he could be a really hot junior. Accept the sophomore had the opposite features. He had brown wavy hair that was messy and a bit sexy which hid part of his beautiful, bright blue eyes. Come to think of it, they're personalities are totally different. Casper was more of a bad boy and the kind who takes down a wave of girls with a single smirk. While Calcifer, a name mysterious to everyone, was the nicest guy you could have ever met. He would flash his smile and thousands of girls would faint from all the pheromones.

Since they were both in my classes, they were also both in my P.E. Which could only mean one thing. The BBB is about to happen. It's already been 10 minutes into the class and there's a circle starting to form around both of them. The BBB stands for "Beauty Boy Battle". The last time we had a BBB was when the foreign exchange student, Rico, had just transferred from some place I forget. But of course, Calcifer had won the battle and Rico was sent home because he was getting all of these hate comments from all of the girls. I honestly think this whole thing is stupid but, it's kind of amusing since P.E. sucks and the BBB is only held in the gym. Apparently there can only be one beautiful guy in this school who can rule the classroom. And sadly, I'm in every single one of his classes. Along with Casper.

Oh lord help me.

I sighed as the girls were starting to get all of the equipment ready for the battle. I'm surprised that the teachers even allow this. There were many trials that the boys have to face and to be the perfect man, you have to finish all of them. Calcifer has been the top for two years now. I even had him in middle school and he was still the top then. It's funny because I've known this guy most of his life and I bet he barely knows I even exist.

My guy friend, Daniel, sat next to me as I leaned against a wall. I sat by the closest, yet safest place to sit to watch the game. Daniel and I have been friend since elementary school. I had moved to his school in fifth grade in the middle of the school year. I was too awkward to talk to anybody so I usually sat in the corners sketching or even singing to myself. Then one day Daniel had the courage to say hi and then with a snap of fingers, we were the best of friends.

"So who you betting on?" Skylar asked with a smirk.

"Well, looking at the Prince's history, he's pretty unbeatable but you never know. This new kid could be really good," there was something about him that felt off. It felt more unique then most guys. Kind of like that hint of strangeness I get whenever I'm stuck on classroom cleanup with the prince. We never speak so I can't really say anything or even ask.

"I think it'll be a tie," Skylar predicts.

"Same," I agree. "And plus, you seem to be always right when we bet so."

I took a side glance at Skylar who had dirty blonde hair that fell into his brown/blue eyes. He was pretty pale and was very skinny. Not much meat on his bones but he was still able to decently defend himself from whatever seems to hurt his insides. When I say insides, I'm talking more about the emotions that he emits. The kid has some problems of his own. I haven't seen him genuinely smile since before his older sister died. Since then he's been kind of neutral in the emotions department.

Then a whistle blew and the games had begun.

The boys were forced to jump, run, decorate and even present a short speech. This went on for what felt like hours, which was only the whole class time, until finally the bell rang.

As Skylar had predicted, it was a once in a lifetime tie between the Prince and Casper. Everyone was shocked. Not Skylar though, nor I for some reason.

As everyone was pooling out of the gym, girls would blow imaginary kisses in the direction of the two boys. Even some of the guys were throwing high fives or doing some crazy made up hand shake.

Then the teacher walked up to me as Skylar and I waved our good byes for the day.

"Could you clean up the gym stuff? I have a meeting to go to and it seems like you and the pretty boys over there are the last ones here. Don't worry, I'll give you extra credit," Mrs. Kendall winked.

"Um sure. Why not. I have nothing to do after school anyways," I smile.

"Thank you. You're a life saver," and off the teacher skipped.

I walked over to the weights that had been sprawled all over the floor. I grabbed one with a huff and carried what felt like two 50 pound weights over to the supply closet. I was actually pretty strong considering my small frame. But I never liked to boast about it.

I had totally forgotten that both Casper and Calcifer were still here until I accidentally ran into one, dropping a 50 pound metal weight on my toe. Pretty much breaking all of my toes and denting the floor.

"OW! Motherfudger," I tried not to swear. I looked up in to the eyes of the person I had ran into. "I'm so sorry, Calcifer. I didn't see you there!" Tears were starting to well up as I could feel my whole foot starting to swell and thump with blood.

"Oh my god! NO I should have been looking where I was going! Are you okay?!" He dropped down on his knees to inspect the damage.

"Well, considering the fact that if you look close enough, three toes are crooked and a bit odd looking and my big toe is probably in shards. I can't feel my entire foot so it's fine," I tried to stay calm as I joked. I nervously let out a breath of air that came out as both a laugh and a whine.

"Shit. I don't have my phone with me at the moment so I can't call 911," Calcifer actually swore. He turned around to face Casper who had seen the accident and jogged over here as quickly as possible.

"Don't worry. I have mine," Casper says as he pulls out his cell phone from his back pocket.

I sat down and tried to stay as calm as I could while Calcifer unknowingly held my hand. He must have been worried that i'd pass out or something. I giggled a bit, trying to take the tension off my foot.

"They said they'd be here in 5 minutes," Casper informed. He crouched down next to me. "You okay?" He asked with concern.

It was like a dream any other fangirl in the school ever wanted. To be nursed by not one but TWO of the hottest guys in the entire school as they waited for the ambulance to arrive.

"Yah I'm fine. Honestly, I can't feel my foot so it's fine. At least I didn't break my arms or get smashed by that 100 pound weight over there," I laughed.

Calcifer chuckled a bit as he spoke, "So much for cleaning the gym."

Then we heard the sirens and Casper jumped up to go lead them over here. I sat helplessly on the floor hoping they would hurry before the shock ran out. A dozen men in nurse outfits came rushing out and they lifted me up into a gurney. Casper and Calcifer followed as they brought me to the ambulance truck.

"You guys should stay and clean up. Man I'm sorry I couldn't help, I'm so useless," I mumble.

"One of us should go with you," Casper suggested.

The Prince and Casper looked at each other as if to make a decision.

All right guys. I'll stop there. So which one of them should get the honor of accompanying her to the hospital? Comment on who you would like it to be.

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