Chapter 3

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 When we finally arrived at the school, Styx gave his usual, "We should hang out sometime", line before going his own way. I turned towards Dood, "Alright, you know the deal. Time for you to go home." Dood hung his head, "Do I have too? We barely got to spend any time together."

"After the way you acted, you're lucky I didn't send you home sooner." Although, I was actually a little grateful. "Now, go home before somebody sees you!" Dood started to slowly walk away, turning back occasionally, and giving out a pathetic whimper. I honestly felt bad, but what was I supposed to do? The teachers already think of me as a troublemaker, so I can't imagine what they'd do to me if they found out that I brought my dog to school. It was best for both of us to go our separate ways. "What do you think you're doing?" Or so I thought. Dood had run in front of me just as I was about to go through the front doors. "You can't get rid of me that easily! You owe me one after hardly saying a word to me on the way here."

"That isn't going to work this time! Now go home!" What did he expect me to do? I couldn't just bring a dog into the school. People were giving me weird looks just for talking to him. "I'm not going anywhere," Dood retorted, "If you want to get inside then you'll have to get by me first!"

"Fine, then I'll just take the back door."

"Not if I get there first!" Dood yelled as he ran to the back of the school. I felt bad for tricking him, but if he were in my shoes, he would have done the same thing.


At first glance, our school is rather picturesque. Despite the old red brick building, the grounds are kept quite nicely and all the teachers are very friendly. The inside is no different, with the beige halls being lined with brown, four-foot tall lockers and inspirational posters. And you can always Behind the scenes it's a different story. Our last principal was fired a few years back after being accused of money laundering. We've also had several janitors quit on us in the last year due to harassment from the seventh graders. And while bullying isn't a common occurrence around here, it does happen. Specifically, between the two people that I witnessed on my way in. As soon as I came through the front doors, a student by the name of Diin came and coward behind my back. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Ssh! Don't let her see me!" Diin was panting heavily. I don't know what kind of protection he expected from hiding behind the smallest kid in our class. The two of us let out girlish screams as Opalbel Lawson charged furiously towards us down the hall. "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR HEAD IN, YOU LITTLE MAGGOT!" I moved out of the way and Diin suddenly found himself exposed. "I didn't mean anything by it, Opalbel, honest! All I said was that your outfit made you look thinner!" Diin is the only student in our class, besides me, that's older than everyone else. Unfortunately for Diin, he's a coward. He was in the grade ahead of us until last year, when he purposely flunked all his exams. It's no secret that he's seriously afraid of going to high school. Also, he's garbage at talking to girls. Especially, to girls like Opalbel. She grabbed Diin and pinned him against a locker. Running down the hall behind her was Tierran. "OPALBEL, STOP!" She shouted as she skid around the corner. She forced herself between the two, "Opalbel, calm down and tell me what happened." She took a breath. "Sorry, Tierran, but he called me fat!" Opalbel isn't a bad person. She's just got a very short fuse. It doesn't help that she's 5 foot 9 and more muscular than any of the boys in school, Styx included. Everyone knows that her height and weight are a dangerous topic. Everyone, except for Diin that is. Tierran turned towards Diin and gave him a slap on the head. "You should know better than to call girls fat!" Diin sheepishly eked out an explanation, "I didn't mean for it to come out that way. I was just trying to give her a compliment."


The bell rang and everyone started heading off to their classrooms. Tierran and Opalbel began walking to class together. I trailed a distance behind. Diin ran ahead of everyone, but paused at the doorway of the classroom. "Hey guys, look! A dog!" My heart began pounding. "What did he just say? Tell me I'm hearing things!" Tierran, Opalbel, and the rest of the class gathered in front of the door. "You're right, it is a dog!" My heart began pounding even faster, "You have got to be kidding me!" One of the students pointed, "He's sitting at the teacher's desk!" My whole brain turned to mush, "This can't be happening!!" I ran through the crowd of students and into the classroom to see Dood sitting in the teacher's chair! Dood turned his head toward me, "Hi, Lod! Long time, no see!" I panicked and slammed the door behind me and locked it tight. All the other students started making a commotion. I quickly turned back to Dood, "WHAT IN DOG'S NAME ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" Dood's ears went down, "There's no need to shout. I just thought that you'd be happy to see me." I reeled myself back a bit, "How did you even get in here?" Dood wagged his tail "Well, someone opened the back door, and I ran in!"

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