No More Games

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Entry #21

So we tested out the ship today, flew over to an allied town and traded with them. We were able to buy a couple chickens, some steel, some meat, some plastic etc. And it only cost us like 30 gallons of fuel. The robots have a way of producing fuel from wood, so 70lbs of wood is turned into 35lbs of fuel. So 70lbs of wood is used to make about 4 gallons of fuel. With as many ships as the Empire is suppose to have, I can see how they can deforest whole planets.After attacking a Bandit camp, Gordon was promoted to Private First Class, and yes we are using the ranks of the old Earth army. So this new armor that Kat had made is so much better, it even comes with a shield that allows us to fire out, but it stops bullets from coming in. Down side the shield doesn't last long, so if we are shot at too many times the shield turns off and we gotta hope the armor protects us. We'll just have to keep testing out the armor. The weapon seems cool too, it just has a shorter range of fire than the ones the company issued us. But it's suppose to hit alot harder, it doesn't even use bullets. It uses light I guess, I don't know, this is above my knowledge of science.

So we found out other planets of nations have been not only fighting the AI Robots, but also the Empire. We were told, that since we have a ship now, if we have any prisonors of war we can transport them to a Space Station to be imprisoned and judged for thier crimes. I think we found out what to do with Opos and his wife. I think we are going to talk it over tonight, and we'll see where we stand. I mean, we can't hold them here for ever. We could do the same thing with the Bandits and Pirates that don't want to change their ways.

Horses what are they good for? Well for us now, nothing. We have a ship, we don't use the horses anymore. A couple people have suggested we keep raising them, and sell people horses, since most of the nations still use horses for travel and farm work. I'm okay with it since we had horses on our farm. We also decided to send Opos and his wife to the space station to stand trial. Gaz wanted to execute them, but he was the only one. So since we don't want to seem like a new evil on this planet, we will be sending all prisoners who refuse to work with us, to stand trial. After that, whatever happens to them, our hands are clean on the matter.

So some more AI Robots showed up, the armor seems to work great, Nate got burned on the Neck, I guess the shield can't stop fire. After attacking another group of bandits, Kat was promoted to Corporal, and she's still the highest rank. Horror decided on joining us here, she didn't want to stay in jail, and she didn't want to just leave. She wasn't from this planet, so she would have no where to go. So we set her up in Opos' old room, and told her that whenever she's hungry to just go the kitchen area and the robots there will make you some food, whenever you want. Her eyes lit up, I'm guessing she didn't eat much being with the pirates.But I hope your doing well, i'll keep you two updated, and hopefully I'll get a message from you guys soon. It's been a couple years, so I just wanna know your both all right.

Entry #22

While out and about selling some food, one of the farmers asked if he could join us. He was 35 and has been farming all his life. And he wanted some excitement in his life. We kindly warned him, that he could be killed and will most likely have to kill someone else to protect himself. He said he had no wife or kids, and he might as well do something with his life instead of just growing potatoes. So we brought him back with us, he's the newest member of Kat's Mercs. Winter, the Merc. So Tomoko turned 2 years old today, I can't wait to till she's old enough for us to actually play together.

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