11 - A Dance and a Proposal

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Dash P.O.V

I try to run away once more. But I can't. Has this pony always been this strong?

- Normally I would be happy with your compliment, but I'm honestly not in the mood right now - Rarity rolls her eyes.

- Rarity!

- No, no and no.

- You don't even know what I was going to say!

- "Rarity, can I go out?", or "Rarity, stop measuring me!", or "I'm not wearing dresses at all!" - She made air quotes with her hooves to say that the phrases were mine.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. No matter what I do or say, she won't change her mind.

- Okay! You win...

- I know I always can - She says proudly.

- Just go fast...

- But Rainbow... Fashion needs time.

- I don't care!

- Come on, Dashie, it's not that hard - She smiles.

Wait, what did she call me?

- Don't call me that!

- And why?

- Because only Soarin can call me that! - I said. She smiled mischievously and poked me with her hoof.

- Of course...

- He's the one who gave me that nickname! Only he can call me that!

- Calm down, Rainbow! You don't have to be like that! I'm not going to steal your boyfriend!

It took me a moment to process what she said, but I quickly realized.

- Hahahaha - I laughed in an unpleasant way - Very funny - But she was expressionless - Wait, wasn't that a joke?

- Why would it be a joke?

- Well... - I rolled my eyes - He's not my boyfriend!

- He'll be soon...

- Rarity, change the subject and finish measuring me... - Pause - Again...

- Time is needed. You wouldn't understand.

- Not at all.

Rarity uses her magic to grab a notebook and a pencil that is only used for designs. She starts making several marks. I looked at the page, but to me it just looked like a bunch of scribbles. Who would understand it? Herself.

- Look... Do you like this? - She asks and shows me her notebook. It's much better this time. I can clearly see a dress there.

- It looks nice... But I think it could be 20% nicer.

- How would you say that? What do I need to change?

- Hm... I don't know?

- How do you expect me to figure out what kind of dress you want? I'm not a damn mind reader!

- Just knowing me is enough.

- Okay... Let's do it like this... I'll show you more or less how it's going to look and you tell me what I need to change about it.

- It looks great to me.

She uses her magic again and colors the drawing.

- Tell me... What do you think of this?

- Not really my style, but...

- Rainbow, if it were up to you, you would wear nothing to the Ball.

- Makes sense...

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