Chapter 1

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(Harry's POV)

I just visited my lunch break when I got paged because a young woman who was in labor was brought in I walk to the private room where she is at and I put my clothes on and walk into the room "hello my name is Harry styles and I will be your midwife and your Brianna correct" I ask "y-yes" she says and I can tell by the way she's breathing heavily and pulling her body in close that she's having a contraction "ok I'm going to check to see how dilated you are then we'll go from their ok" I say and they nod I gently move her legs and stick my finger in and feel "now this is your first pregnancy" I ask "yes" she says "ok your 3 cm so still pretty early but I can definitely get you an epidural if you'd like" I say and she nods so fast I worry she gave herself whiplash 

"How long do you think it'll take before she is able to push" her dad asks "well when it's the first pregnancy the labor process takes longer and it can feel like the baby may never come but they will be here before you know it" I tell them "now I'm going to go and get the epidural and then check on you in a little bit" I say smiling and walking out the door and getting the epidural and walking back and hooking Brianna up to the IV and then once I make sure everything is ok I walk back out "hey Harry how's your day going" my friend ed asks "alright I have a patient named Brianna who is in labor but it's her first so it's going to be a little bit before the baby comes and I just gave her some epidural" I say 

"Well that's nice I had a patient who sprained their finger but other then that nothing much just a few common colds" ed says see while I'm a midwife ed is a family medicine doctor so he deals with the less emergency patients "well at least you got patients" I say and we both laugh "I know I just wish the day would go by quicker don't get me wrong I love being a doctor but it gets tiring after a number of days of working long hours especially when none of your patients have anything serious wrong with them" he says leaning against the desk 

"Well I think you have the best position you don't have to witness people dying or having to try and explain bad news to a family and then try to answer all the questions they have which sometimes if you don't give them the answers they want they get a bit angry" I say "yeah I know you don't deal with that a lot but I know a lot of the other doctors here do" he says "yeah I meanly deal with birth then when something happens to the mom or baby after the family excepts me to automatically know what's wrong" I say thinking about the little family hoping this will be an easy delivery and nothing bad happens 

After about 18hours Brianna is finally at 10cm and is ready to push I put on my cloves and mask and sit in a wheeled stool in front of Brianna "ok Brianna on the next contraction I need you to give me on good push ok" I say and she just nods it didn't take long for the contraction to hit and immediately she started pushing "ok stop now we are just going to keep doing that" I say as the baby's head starts to come out Brianna screams get stronger since it's getting to the painfully part of getting the head and shoulders out "your doing great Brianna I can see the head" I say and she begins pushing again 

The baby's head finally pops out and now it's just the shoulders that need to come out Brianna pushes a bit harder but not as hard as before and I careful succeeded in getting the shoulders out and the rest of the body slide right out and within seconds the baby is shaking like crazy which I love meaning that their ok "it's a boy" I say happily and I go to put the baby on her chest but she stops me and I'm confused but place him into the nurses awaiting arms with a towel as the nurse leaves the room with the baby to check him and clean him I notice that Brianna begins to look pale "Brianna you feeling alright" I ask but before she could answer she passes out 

Her family immediately start freaking out asking what's wrong with her which I want to know to I check out out her private parts and I see lots of blood coming out "ok it seems that some of her blood vessels have pop when we delivered the placenta so we are going to try and stop it but I'm going to have to ask you to step out" I say and they agree I try everything to stop the bleeding until I have no choice but to take her upstairs to surgery I call up and they immediately get a room ready and I bring her upstairs then once the surgeon takes her in I go find her family "what's happing to her" her mother asks scared 

"Sometimes after the placenta is delivered blood vessels pop and that's what happed to Brianna now I couldn't stop the bleeding so she is now in surgery and hopefully they will find a way to stop the bleeding but unfortunately I can't make any promises" I tell them honestly and they all hug each other while the mother cries and I walked away feeling my own eyes start to burn and I walk into the room we're all the babies are and I find the baby Brianna gave birth to and he started crying probably from hunger so I quickly got a bottle ready picked him up and started feeding him 

"You are such a cute baby I hope your mother will be ok so she can take you home I wonder what she'll name you" I talk to him as he looks at me "you have some pretty blue eyes I'm guessing you got that from your father" I say and once he finished I burned him and went to lay him back down but he started crying and I held him back up to my chest and he snuggled in which I thought was cute but I also felt bad that a baby was connected to be and his mother so once I knew he was asleep I put him back down gently and walked out he decided to go get a snack from the sending machines then as he ate the chocolate bar went back up to the sugary ward 

When he got up there the surgeon as walking out of the operating room "how is she is Brianna ok" I ask worried "I'm so sorry Harry but unfortunately she died on e the table we weren't able to stop the bleeding and she bleed out" he says putting a hand my shoulder and I looked down lost how was I supposed to tell the family that their daughter has just died but I know there is know way out of it so I have to do what I have to do I walk per up to the family and they jumped out of their sits when they saw me "so I just spoke with the surgeon who was working on Brianna and explained that they were unable to stop the bleeding at I'm so sorry but she died on the table" I tell them quietly 

"No no" her mom says falling back into her chair her husband immediately comforted her while their son just sits there not knowing how to react and watching his parents break down in each other arms "but the baby is very healthy and your allowed to see him" I tell them "no Brianna never wanted to keep the baby she got pregnant from a one night stand and told us she didn't want the baby but we convinced her to go through with the pregnancy and then give the baby up for adoption once they are born but we never thought this would happen" her mom says I couldn't believe they never planned on keeping the baby and even though it's nice they are respecting their daughter's wishes they are giving up the last thing of their daughter but it's not my place to question or argue with them 

After a bit more crying they left and I felt very bad for them they probably thought Brianna would give brith baby gets taken away then they go home but now they have to plan a funeral I walked into my office and after closing the door I fell to the floor sobbing 

Baby of a rockstar/ l.s mpregWhere stories live. Discover now