*rean eventually wakes up in a bed made of leaves as she sits up her vision slowly clears up she looks around and is in a hut made of sticks and leaves* Rean:Where am I? There's nobody here *she gets up and writes a note saying thanks before leaving* *as she gets down from the treehouse she looks around it's a nice little village in the trees* Rean:Huh *she looks and there are eyes in the bushes*
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*she chooses to ignore it. And walks off* *it's soon starts to rain again* Rean:Well now that it's raining maybe there's somewhere to go back too? *she stops by a little shack There's wanted posters everywhere outside of an imp there's floating orbs hovering in his horns* Rean:Weird I wonder what's up with that *she goes inside everyone looks at her* Elf:A Human child? Troll:W-What no they must be an elf Elf:Nope they're have horns! Troll:Oh. *rean looks around and asks everyone for an umbrella but nobody has one.* Troll:Hey did you hear about that imp? Elf:Yeah,Boy he's a LOOONG way from ember that's what Ember Shad- ok so not that far. Troll:how did he even make it here? Elf:Nobody kno- *the doors opens as a hooded figure walks in and the room goes silent they wear a hood carry and umbrella on their back there face isn't visible and they sit down* ???:They say he used the shadow realm before zamakua wiped out half the universe But this theory is incorrect as an imp can only live 300-350 years Ember time which adds up to 50 years Lushwood. Elf:Yeah,But they also say he's the embodiment of chaos,That's where he got the name! Rean:If you don't mind me asking,How do you know so much *everyone looks at rean* Elf:She doesn't know. Troll:It may be too much for her human brain to handle *Everyone nods* Rean:Nobody's gonna tell me? Fine. *She walks up to a gnome* Gnome:Hello there kid. Rean:Do you know who this hooded figure is? Gnome:Uh yeah everyone does. Rean:I don't who is he? Gnome:He's a descendant of Heko Rean:Heko?As in from the 5 in the tale from the death of the whale *the gnome nods* Rean:I see. *nikolas appears behind the figure and waves at rean with an evil smile* *Rean summons the gun glaring, But Nikolas vanishes making everyone think rean wants to fight the hooded figure* *everyone looks in shock* Elf:Kid that was a huge mistake. *the hooded figure pulls the umbrella from their back* Troll:That poor kid. Rean:No no no I wasn't gonna *she moves her hand up and the figure attacks her* Well now I'm gonna have to! *grabs the gun and fires at the figure She grabs a piece of paper on the counter draws two runes on it and loads it into the gun and the gun catches on fire* Rean:I said I wasn't gonna fight *the figure puts their hands up in surrender* Elf:You think she could take down the imp too? Troll:Nah,Humans are too soft they went easy on er' *rean walks out of the building and Nikolas waits outside for her* Nikolas:Well done human *the flower is clapping with his vines* Rean:I'm gonna! Nikolas:Gotta catch me first,Bucko! *rean chases after Nikolas as he moves through the ground coming into a sealed cavern and she throws the gun exploding it as it hits the rocks* She chases Nikolas in summoning another gun as Nikolas uses his vines to close off the exit before disappearing*